Format description for products data format standard

Last modified: 26. April 2024

Database diagram

Dependency diagram for the CSV output format, including SQL scripts for generating the tables and to load the data with loadData local infile at the end of this article.

Overview of data format elements

In CSV output format, these elements are files, in XML or JSON output format they are nodes.

The data format standard consists of the following elements:

  • product: product from the ITscope catalogue
  • supplierItem: source of supply of an ITscope product. A specific offer from a distributor listed on ITscope
  • project: price, availability and further information on a project agreement
  • attribute: properties for a product
  • attributeCluster: property clusters using which the product can be found for feature searches. Can summarise several property expressions according to the quantity in intervals, e.g. 64-128 MB RAM
  • accessory: original accessories and compatible accessories for a product
  • historicalDataItem: weekly or monthly aggregated historical data, depending on the desired period and aggregation
  • contractParameter: contractual parameters for a source of supply that must be specified when placing an order, see orders involving licensees.

Elements marked with a globe change their language depending on the selected export oder API request language:

Fields marked with a * are new compared to the API 2.0, fields with a ** have been moved to a different location within the file, fields with a *** have been renamed.


Product from the ITscope catalogue.

NameMandatoryData typeDescription
puidYeslongUnique key
ean String (18)EAN
manufacturerSKU String (150)Manufacturer’s SKU/article number [was String(40) before 18/10/2021]
icecatId String (255)Icecat ID
cnetId String (255)1WorldSync ID (formerly CNET)
bechlemId String (255)Bechlem ID
eClass String (255)eClass ID Version 5.1.2
eClassV7 * String (255)eClass ID Version 7.0
customsTariffNumber * String (255)Customs tariff number
UNSPSC * String (14)UNSPSC Classification Code
manufacturerIdYesLongReference to the manufacturer of this product (n:1 to
manufacturerName String (255)Name of the manufacturer
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png productName ***YesStringProduct identifier, by default including manufacturer name, removal of manufacturer name can only be configured via export
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png shortDescription StringBy default the short name of the product, but can only be additionally configured via the export
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png longDescription StringLong description text for the product
productTypeIdYesLongReference to the product type of this product
productTypeGroupIdYesString (3)Reference to product type group (, n: 1)
productTypeGroupNameYesString (255)Name of the group of product types, e.g. network technology. Can be used as 1st category level
productTypeNameYesString (255)Identifier of the product type. Can be used as 2nd category level
attributeTypeId1 LongUnambiguous attribute key to build a possible subcategory, points 1:n to AttributeCluster.attributeTypeId
attributeTypeName1 String (255)Identifier of the attribute to build up a possible subcategory
attributeTypeId2 LongUnambiguous attribute key to build a possible subcategory, points 1:n to AttributeCluster.attributeTypeId
attributeTypeName2 String (255)Identifier of the attribute to build up a possible subcategory
attributeTypeId3 LongUnambiguous attribute key to build a possible subcategory, points 1:n to AttributeCluster.attributeTypeId
attributeTypeName3 String (255)Identifier of the attribute to build up a possible subcategory
attributeTypeId4 LongUnambiguous attribute key to build a possible subcategory, points 1:n to AttributeCluster.attributeTypeId
attributeTypeName4 String (255)Identifier of the attribute to build up a possible subcategory
attributeTypeId5 LongUnambiguous attribute key to build a possible subcategory, points 1:n to AttributeCluster.attributeTypeId
attributeTypeName5 String (255)Identifier of the attribute to build up a possible subcategory
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png attributeValue1 String (1024)Attribute cluster value for the attribute from ProductType.attributeTypeId1. Can be used as 3rd category level if available
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png attributeValue2 String (1024)Attribute cluster value for the attribute from ProductType.attributeTypeId1. Can be used as 4th category level if available
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png attributeValue3 String (1024)Attribute cluster value for the attribute from ProductType.attributeTypeId1. Can be used as 5th category level if available
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png attributeValue4 String (1024)Attribute cluster value for the attribute from ProductType.attributeTypeId4
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png attributeValue5 String (1024)Attribute cluster value for the attribute from ProductType.attributeTypeId5
productSubTypeId String (1024)ID of the product sub type
productSubType String (1024)Product sub type, e.g. mouse or keyboard for input devices. Should not be used as 3rd category level
productLineId LongID of the product line
productLine String (1024)Product line
productModel String (1024)Product model identifier
colorFamilyId * String (255)ID of the colour family
colorFamily * String (255)Colour family
estimateGrossWeight DoubleWeight in kilograms
grossDimX String (1024)Length of the product including unit of measurement
grossDimY String (1024)Height of the product including unit of measurement
grossDimZ String (1024)Width of product including unit of measurement
combinedLengthAndGirth * String (36)Girth
netWeight * String (36)Net weight
netDimX * String (36)Net dimension X
netDimY * String (36)Net dimension Y
netDimZ * String (36)Net dimension Z
valueAddedTaxGermany * IntegerGerman VAT rate
deeplinkYesString (2048)Deeplink to the platform
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png standardHtmlDatasheetYesString (2048)URL, link to HTML standard datasheet
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png standardPdfDatasheet String (2048)URL, link to PDF standard datasheet
manufacturerSite String (1024)URL, link to manufacturer page
manufacturerDatasheet String (1024)URL, link to manufacturer datasheet
imageThumb String (1024)Preview of the best product image (thumbnail)
imageThumbWidth IntegerWidth of thumbnail image in pixels
imageThumbHeight IntegerHeight of thumbnail image in pixels
imageHighRes1 *** String (1024)Link to the best possible image, in the largest version
imageWidth1 IntegerWidth of image in pixels
imageHeight1 IntegerHeight of image in pixels
image2 String (1024)Link to another good product image, preferably product packaging (never the same as the first image)
imageWidth2 IntegerWidth of image in pixels
imageHeight2 IntegerHeight of image in pixels
image3 String (1024)Link to the first image in the gallery (never one of those already listed)
imageWidth3 IntegerWidth of image in pixels
imageHeight3 IntegerHeight of image in pixels
image4 String (1024)Link to the second image in the gallery (never one of those already listed)
imageWidth4 IntegerWidth of image in pixels
imageHeight4 IntegerHeight of image in pixels
image5 String (1024)Link to the third image in the gallery (never one of those already listed)
imageWidth5 IntegerWidth of image in pixels
imageHeight5 IntegerHeight of image in pixels
energyLabel String (1024)Link to the Energy Label image
energyEfficiencyClass * String (10)Energy efficiency class
entryDateYesDateSince when has the product been listed on the platform?
rank IntegerOverall popularity rank (rank 1 to n, a high number corresponds to a bad ranking)
qualification IntegerProduct qualification level
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png warrantyText StringWarranty text for the product
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png marketingText StringMarketing text for the product
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png keySellingPoints * StringKey Selling Points
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png packageContents * StringScope of delivery
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png productFeatures * StringProduct features
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png htmlMainSpecs * StringTechnical characteristics of the product in short form, separated with br-tags
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png htmlSpecs StringTechnical characteristics of the product, in HTML format
recommendedRetailPriceNet DoubleManufacturer’s MSRP
price BigDecimalPrice basis for the calculated price
priceCalc BigDecimalCalculated price, based on the individual price calculation
currencyCode String (3)Currency unit that applies to this price information
priceCalcVat BigDecimalSales tax rate for the calculated price
priceLastUpdate DateTime of last price information update
priceSupplierId LongReference to the supplier (1:1) that provided the source of supply for this price information
priceSupplierName String (255)Name of the supplier that provided this source of supply
priceSupplierItemId LongReference to a source of supply (n:1); if this field is zero, the price information refers to a product (source of supply reference and product reference are mutually exclusive)
priceSupplierSKU String (150)Product identifier of the supplier that provided the source of supply [was String(40) before 18/10/2021]
stockSupplierText String (40)Textual inventory information of the supplier, directly taken over, without interpretation
stockStatus IntegerNumeric key of the delivery status of the inventory information
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png stockStatusText String (255)Delivery status of inventory information, such as ‘in stock’ or ‘in field warehouse’
stock IntegerQuantity for the delivery status indicated in this structure
externalStock IntegerQuantity available from external sources (additional information provided by some suppliers for delivery status ‘in stock’)
incomingStock IntegerQuantity in transit (additional information provided by some suppliers for delivery status ‘in stock’)
stockAvailabilityDate DateDelivery date for products currently not in stock
stockLastUpdate DateTime of last update of inventory information
aggregatedStatus IntegerBest availability status
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png aggregatedStatusText String (20)Best availability status
aggregatedStock integerTotal of all inventories
aggregatedSupplierItems IntegerSum of all distributors for this product
contractTypeId * IntegerThe ID of the product family for licence and service products
contractTypeName * String (20)The name of the product family for licence and service products
priceBillingPeriodIntegerLength of the price billing period
priceBillingPeriodUnitString (40)Unit of the price billing period (e.g. “Years”, “Month”)
priceSubscriptionPeriodIntegerLength of the price subscription period
priceSubscriptionPeriodUnitString (40)Unit of the price subscription period (e.g. “Years”, “Month”)
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png supplierItemyesList <supplierItem>Sources of supply for an ITscope product. Specific offers from distributors listed on ITscope
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png attribute List <attribute>Attributes of a product
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png attributeCluster List <attributeCluster>Attribute clusters in which the product can be found for feature searches. Can summarise multiple attribute values according to the quantity in intervals, eg 64-128MB RAM
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png accessory List <accessory>Original accessories and compatible accessories for a product
keyContentList<keyContent>Content data for a product that is available in the form of keys (e.g. category IDs, classification IDs forEclass, UNSPSC, ETIM, each with different versions of the classifications and customs tariff numbers)


Source of supply for an ITscope product. A specific offer from a distributor listed on ITscope.

NameMandatoryData typeDescription
idYesLongUnique key
ean String (18)EAN specified by the supplier
manufacturerSKU String (150)Supplier’s SKU/article number (does not have to match ITscope’s) [was String(40) before 18/10/2021]
supplierSKU String (150)Product number specified by the supplier [was String(40) before 18/10/2021]
supplierIdYesLongRefers 1:1 to
supplierName String (255)Name of the supplier
manufacturerName String (80)Manufacturer name as specified by the supplier
productName String (255)Exact identifier of the product, as given by the supplier
longDescription String (60000)Long product description specified by the supplier
conditionIdYesIntegerNumeric code for the product’s condition
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png conditionNameYesString (255)Condition of the product (new, used, B-Stock, refurbished, etc.)
eolProductYesBooleanFlag a product as end of life (soon to be discontinued)
matchQualityYesIntegerMapping quality of the product to ITscope’s product catalogue
eanValidYesBooleanFlag to indicate whether the EAN of the supplier is valid according to EAN criteria
specialOfferYesBooleanFlag to indicate whether product is a special offer
promotion String (40)Name of the supplier’s promotional campaign
vat IntegerVAT rate for the product
copyrightLevy DoubleLevy due to copyright
customsTariffNumber String (50)Customs tariff number
countryOfOrigin String (20)Country of origin of the product
grossDimX DoubleLength of the product including unit of measurement
grossDimY DoubleHeight of the product including unit of measurement
grossDimZ DoubleWidth of product including unit of measurement
warrantyText String (40)Supplier’s warranty
deeplink String (1024)Link to the product with the supplier
recommendedRetailPriceNet DoubleMSRP indication provided by the supplier
priceCalcYesBigDecimalCalculated price, based on the individual price calculation
currencyCodeYesString (3)Currency unit that applies to this price information
priceCalcVatYesBigDecimalSales tax rate for the calculated price
priceLastUpdateYesDateTime of last price information update
stockSupplierText StringTextual inventory information of the supplier, directly taken over, without interpretation
stockStatus IntegerNumeric key of the delivery status of the inventory information
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png stockStatusText String (255)Delivery status of inventory information, such as ‘in stock’ or ‘in field warehouse’
stock IntegerQuantity for the delivery status indicated in this structure
externalStock IntegerQuantity available from external sources (additional information provided by some suppliers for delivery status ‘in stock’)
incomingStock IntegerQuantity in transit (additional information provided by some suppliers for delivery status ‘in stock’)
stockAvailabilityDate DateDelivery date for products currently not in stock
lastStockUpdate DateTime of last update of inventory information
contractTypeId * IntegerThe ID of the product family for licence and service products
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png contractTypeName * String (20)The name of the product family for licence and service products
priceBillingPeriodIntegerLength of the price billing period
priceBillingPeriodUnitString (40)Unit of the price billing period (e.g. “Years”, “Month”)
priceSubscriptionPeriodIntegerLength of the price subscription period
priceSubscriptionPeriodUnitString (40)Unit of the price subscription period (e.g. “Years”, “Month”)
weeeRegNoString (12)WEEE number, is considered as proof of the registration of the manufacturer, the brand and the type of electrical or electronic equipment carried out in the country of manufacture.
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png contractParametersList<contractParameter>Contract parameters of a source of supply that must be specified when placing an order
projectsList<project>Projects for the source of supply
supplierPackagingInfosupplierPackagingInfoInformation on the packaging units of a source of supply
scaledPriceInfoscaledPriceInfoInformation on scaled prices of a source of supply


Information on packaging units of a source of supply. The unit codes for packaging units are in UN/ECE Recommendation No.21. This standard is recommended by UN/CEFACT. Details see UNECE.

NameMandatoryData typedescription
contentUnit String (50)Unit code of the contents of a package
intervalQuantityIntegerNumber indicating in which graduation the item can be ordered (in order units).
minQuantity IntegerMinimum number of packaging units to trigger an order
numberContentUnitPerOrderUnit IntegerNumber of contents of a packaging unit
orderUnitString (50)Packaging unit code
priceQuantity IntegerNumber of packaging units for a given price
supplierPackingQuantity IntegerNumber of packaging units a supplier provides in a purchase order
totalPriceQuantityIntegerTotal number of units (packaging units * contents) for a given price


Information on scaled prices of a source of supply

NameMandatoryData typedescription
scaleYesIntegerIndicates the scale from which the price applies
priceYesBigDecimalThe price for the scale


Price, availability and further information for a project item.

nameMandatoryData typedescription
supplierProjectId String (40)Project number of the supplier
manufacturerProjectIdYesString (40)Project number of the manufacturer (unique key)
projectName String (255)Project description
endCustomer String (255)End customer for the project item
priceYesBigDecimalProject price
validFrom DateDate the project conditions become valid
validTo DateDate the project conditions expire
targetQuantity IntegerNegotiated project amount
remainingQuantityYesIntegerRemaining quota that can be ordered
minQuantity IntegerMinimum ordering quantity
projectLastUpdate DateTime of last update of project information
projectBundleId *String (50)Unique key for the project bundle
projectBundleName *String (255)Name of the project bundle
projectPosition *IntegerProject line item number


Attributes of a product.

NameMandatoryData typeDescription
value * String (1024)The base value (see also base unit) of the attribute. For text as a text module, for numbers as the smallest value
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png displayValue String (1024)The readable value of the attribute, including unit
attributeTypeId LongUnique identifier of the attribute type
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png attributeTypeName String (255)Name of the attribute type
attributeTypeRank LongRanking of the attribute type – this can, for example, be used for sorting
attributeTypeGroupId LongIdentifier of an attribute group, no table reference, but uniquely identifies attributeTypeGroupName
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png attributeTypeGroupName String (255)Name of the attribute group


Attribute clusters in which the product can be found for feature searches. Can summarise multiple attribute values according to the quantity in intervals, eg 64-128MB RAM.

NameMandatoryData typeDescription
id LongUnique ITscope Key
productTypeId LongReference to the product type, optional
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png productTypeName String (255)Name of the product type to which this attribute belongs, optional
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png attributeTypeName String (255)Name of an attribute. Can be the same as the name from ProductType.attributeTypeName (1..5)
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png attributeTypeGroupName String (255)Name of an attribute group
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png name String (255)Identifier of the product version (e.g. 2 GB, 15 “, 80 W – 120 W)
rank LongRank of the attribute


Original accessories and compatible accessories for a product.

NameMandatoryData typeDescription
referencedProductId LongRefers to a reference product, e.g. a product which is listed as an original accessory for this particular product
typeId IntegerInternal identifier for the type of the reference product
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png type String (255)Identifier for the type of the reference product, including original accessories, all compatible accessories, etc.


Weekly or monthly aggregated historical data, depending on desired period and aggregation.

NameMandatoryData typeDescription
date StringStart date of the week or month depending on the desired aggregation
priceMin BigDecimalPrice minimum within a given period
priceMax BigDecimalPrice maximum within a given period
priceMedian BigDecimalPrice median within a given period
priceMedianInStock BigDecimalPrice median for in-stock items within a given period
priceAvg BigDecimalPrice average within a given period
priceAvgInStock BigDecimalPrice Average for in-stock items within a given time period
supplierCount IntegerNumber of suppliers within a given period
supplierCountInStock IntegerNumber of suppliers with stock within a given period
stockSum IntegerSum of in-stock items within a given period
salesTrend IntegerSales trend within a given period


Contract parameters of a source of supply that must be specified when placing an order, see ordering service and licence products.

NameMandatoryData typedescription
supplierItemRefIdYesLongReference to the source of supply (supplierItem)
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png displayNameYesString(255)Description of the contract parameter
orderParameterNameYesString(255)Name of the contract parameter that must be provided in the order
mandatoryYesBooleanIs this parameter mandatory or optional in an order?
exampleString(255)Example value for this parameter


Content data for a product that is in the form of keys (eg category IDs, customs tariff numbers)

NameMandatoryData typeDescription
key LongKey of the record, not unique
langId LongInternal identifier of the language of this content
contentModel contentModelReference to the type of content (, n:1)
contentProvider contentProviderReference to the content provider (, n:1)
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png contentCategory  contentCategoryReference to the content category (, n:1)
value String (255)Content of the content (value of the key)
lang String (10)Language code in ISO639 for the language of the content


Classification of content in different types by the content provider.

NameMandatoyData typeDescription
id longUnique key
name String (1023) Displayed name of the content (e.g. Icecat standard image large, 1WorldSync product ID)


Origin of the content e.g. CNET, Icecat, manufacturer or distributor

NameMandatoryData typeDescription
id longUnique key
name String (255)Clear text name of the content supplier (e.g. Icecat, 1WorldSync)
rank IntegerPrioritisation for sorting, same values ​​are possible several times


ITscope categorisation of content (e.g. structured feature descriptions, product photo, etc.).

NameMAndatoryData typeDescription
id longUnique key
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png name String (255)Identifier of category

Database scripts for CSV

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