Product images

Last modified: 7. February 2023

Availability of product images

Exports can contain links to product images of content providers, manufacturers and suppliers.

The number and resolution of the referenced images depend on the content contract stored in the account (Icecat Content Premium contract and/or 1WorldSync Content).

Basically, images and marketing texts are subject to copyright, and neither ITscope nor Icecat or 1WorldSync can grant blanket rights of use for them; this is simply not possible with several thousand manufacturers.

For some manufacturers, a separate release is required, see the following guide entry on rights of use for product images.

Overview of image sources:

  • Icecat images in different sizes, with additional Icecat contract content
  • Manufacturer images in different sizes, depending on the contract
  • Supplier images in different sizes, depending on the contract
  • 1WorldSync images in different sizes, with the 1WorldSync Content Basic contract.

Image functions and services

All image links from ITscope are delivered via a separate service to ensure better performance and cache usage of the images. The links are used in a uniform way on the ITscope platform, for exports and for API formats and have the form:



These links can be copied from the ITscope platform or obtained via export/API for a larger number of products. You can append parameters yourself to perform transformations. The following modifiers are available at the beginning:

  • Fit picture:
    • fit = {$ width} x {$ height}
  • Fit picture with crop:
    • fitcrop = {$ width} x {height} $ d [NONE | VERTICAL | HORIZONTAL | BOTH | SMALLEST]
  • Fit and rotate image:
    • smart = {$ width} x {$ height} x {$ rotation}
  • Picture in grayscale:
    • greyscale = 1

The results are cached for one day.

Information on how images 1-5 (image1-image5) are determined

Images 1-5 refers to the image1 – image5 export fields that are exported in every standard or developer product export file.

An attempt is made to determine a value for the respective export field. All images from the Media Content export file are considered.

For image1:

  • Attempts to find the largest picture in the size category L, with the content tag ProductImage
  • Attempts to find the largest picture in the size categories M, the content tag ProductImage
  • Attempts to find the largest picture, in all size categories, with the content tag ProductImage
  • Attempts to find the largest picture in the size category L, with the content tag Boxshot
  • Attempts to find the largest picture in the size categories M, the content tag Boxshot
  • Attempts to find the largest picture, in all size categories, with the content tag Boxshot

For image2:

  • Attempts to find the largest picture in the size category L, with the content tag Boxshot
  • Attempts to find the largest picture in the size categories M, the content tag Boxshot
  • Attempts to find the largest picture, in all size categories, with the content tag Boxshot
  • Attempts to find the largest picture in the size category L, with the content tag AdditionalImage
  • Attempts to find the largest picture in the size categories M, the content tag AdditionalImage
  • Attempts to find the largest picture, in all size categories, with the content tag AdditionalImage

For image3:

For image4:

For image5:

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