Product family

Last modified: 3. May 2023

In order to enable the ordering of licences (such as ESD) or service products (such as eCare Packs) on ITscope, you must mark your products correctly and uniquely.

Currently we support the following different product families:

IDNameDescription and examples
0PhysicalPhysical, tangible product
1ESD‘Electronic Software Delivery’. In contrast to sending software by post, ESD software can be downloaded directly from a server and used immediately.
For example: Microsoft Office Home & Business 2016 ESD licence
2ServiceeCare Packs, Support, Exchange and Services such as: HP eCare Pack, Fujitsu Support Services, Warranty, Maintenance, Lenovo Carepacks
3LicenseSoftware licences such as Microsoft Open Licences
4CTOApple CTO products
5SpareSpare parts

The product families assigned to products and sources of supply can be viewed directly on the platform in the product header area, in the sources of supply detailed view, or using API 2.1 via the developer and standard formats.

With the help of the product family, appropriate ESD orders can also be created in API 2.1 and sent to distributors that can automatically support and process ESD orders.

If you also want to receive other product families (such as licences, eCare Packs or spare parts) in your orders apart from hardware, please note that these are only possible in connection with the corresponding unique item identification within your price list. You must therefore include a unique identifier in your price lists (e.g. by means of an additional column indicating the licence type).

For product families other than hardware, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • Confirmation from your side by email to
    Here you must confirm that you want to transmit these product families and therefore meet the following additional requirements:

In the following articles, you can see field descriptions and examples, as well as labels for product families that must be provided by you as part of your price list:

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