Differences between API 2.1 and API 2.0

Last modified: 8. March 2024

API version 2.1 has the same methods in all areas (products, metadata, business) as the API 2.0.

However, there are some differences in the fields within data formats or in the behaviour of the API itself.

Here you will find an overview of the changes.

producs/ method

The data formats standard, standardupdate, developer and developerupdate have been supplemented in the API 2.1 by a few fields.

In the product section (standard, developer), the following fields are new:

  • eClassV7: eClass Version 7.0
  • customsTariffNumber: this field has only been moved to a new position within the document
  • UNSPSC: UNSPSC Classification Code
  • colorFamilyId: ID of the colour family (normalised colour)
  • colorFamily: colour family (normalised colour) – e.g. ‘grey’ instead of ‘space-grey’
  • combinedLengthAndGirth: girth dimension
  • netWeight: net weight
  • netDimX: net dimension X
  • netDimY: net dimension Y
  • netDimZ: net dimension Z
  • valueAddedTaxGermany: German VAT rate
  • energyEfficiencyClass: energy effieciency class
  • keySellingPoints: Key Selling Points
  • packageContents: scope of delivery
  • productFeatures: product features
  • htmlMainSpecs: main technical specifications of the product in short form, separated with br-tags
  • image1 renamed to imageHighRes1
  • contractTypeId: the ID of the product family for licence/service products
  • contractTypeName: the name of the product family for licence/service products.

In the supplierItem section (standard, developer), the following fields are new:

  • contractTypeId: the ID of the product family for licence/service products
  • contractTypeName: the name of the product family for licence/service products.

In the attributes section (only in standard), the following fields are new:

  • value: the base value for the feature (see article on base units), for text as a text module, for numbers as the smallest value.

Neu: Packaging Units

The section supplierPackagingInfo (standard, standardupdate, developer, developerupdate ) is completely new and contains information on packaging units, if available.

Neu: Scaled Prices

The section scaledPriceInfo (standard, standardupdate, developer, developerupdate) is completely new and contains information on scaled prices, if available.

New: Additional product identification numbers

The section keyContent (standard) is completely new and contains information on further product information, if available. E.g. various UNSPSC numbers in different UNSPSC versions, various Eclass numbers in different Eclass versions, various ETIM numbers in different ETIM versions, customs tariff numbers.

New: Historical Data (on demand)

The section historicalDataItem (standard, developer) is completely new and contains historical price and stock data.

business/deals/search method

Orders (deals) can also be searched for in API 2.1 by providing the shopping cart ID (cartId). It is possible to specify multiple cartIds, this will then return all orders contained within the specified shopping carts.

The following field has been added to the data format carts in API 2.1:

  • cartId: ID of the cart containing the deal

The cartIds can be passed as the filter parameter to our API, e.g.:


The general cart’s ID is ‘pool’. We could now, for example, specify a search for the general cart and a second cart as follows:

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