In the standard and developer data format, all text fields and identifier fields for a product are available in the ‘product’ element. Documentation, as well as the length of each field, is available here: standard data format or developer data format.
The selection of product texts depends on the purchased content contracts and whether the API is called internally or externally, and originates from the TextContent structure of the developer data format.
All product texts can also always be found on the online platform, in the ‘description’ section of a product page.
All product datasheets (htmlSpecs) can also always be found on the online platform, in the ‘datasheet’ section of a product page.
Overview of product texts:

- productNameWithManufacturer (API 2.0 only) [1]
- the product identifier in German consists of the short manufacturer name + ITscope product identifier, as it can also be seen on the online platform
- the product name in all other languages consists of content-contract-dependent product texts (content tag 23, fallback content tag 24) of the respective language, fallback is always the German product name mentioned above.
- productName (API 2.1 only) [1]
- by default, the product identifier in German consists of the short manufacturer name + ITscope product identifier, as it can also be seen on the online platform. The short manufacturer name can be removed via the export contents for the API 2.1 export formats by means of a checkbox
- the product name in all other languages consists of content-contract-dependent product texts (content tag 23, fallback content tag 24) of the respective language, fallback is always the German product name mentioned above.
- shortDescription [2]
- the product short description in German consists of the ITscope product short description as it can also be seen on the online platform
- the product short description in all other languages consists of content-contract-dependent product texts (content tag 25) of the respective language, fallback is always the above mentioned German product short description
- in API version 2.1, the productName (product identifier) can still be prefixed to the product short description. Depending on the corresponding checkbox for export contents for the API 2.1 export formats, the product identifier is then also preceded by the manufacturer name.

- longDescription
- the product long description in all languages consists of content-contract-dependent product texts (content tag 25, fallback content tag 23) of the respective language.

- marketingText
- the product marketing text in all languages consists of content-contract-dependent product texts (content category 17) of the respective language.

- warrantyText
- the product warranty text in all languages consists of content-contract-dependent product texts (content category 21) of the respective language.
- htmlSpecs
- the product datasheet in all languages consists of content-contract-dependent product texts (content category 3) of the respective language.

- keySellingPoints (API 2.1 only)
- the product Key Selling Points in all languages consists of content-contract-dependent product texts (content category 21) of the respective language.

- packageContents (API 2.1 only)
- the product scope of delivery in all languages consists of content-contract-dependent product texts (content category 21) of the respective language.

- productFeatures (API 2.1)
- the product features in all languages consist of content-contract-dependent product texts (content category 21) of the respective language.