Order and quote data in OpenTrans 2.1 format

Last modified: 8. March 2024

General information

ITscope uses the OpenTrans 2.1 industry standard as the format for orders and quotes.

Many systems (ERP/shops) are able to import and also generate this format, meaning information can be sent directly via the ITscope API.

We recommend that you always set the required fields when developing OpenTrans 2.1 files. These fields are extensively described in the documentation contained in the respective download packages at the end of this article. The ITscope API method business/documents/validate allows all OpenTrans 2.1 documents to be validated against the OpenTrans 2.1 XML schema definitions (XSD), either before these documents are sent or during the development phase.

ITscope supports the following OpenTrans 2.1 documents:

  • ORDER – the order document that is sent to the corresponding supplier. Many suppliers are able to process this format directly. This document can be used for further processing or for creating a new quote in other systems, and can be downloaded via the ITscope API method /business/deals
  • ORDERRESPONSE – the order response document that is sent back to ITscope by many suppliers. Depending on the supplier, various information regarding the current order processing status is transmitted
  • DISPATCHNOTFICATION – the dispatch notification document that is sent back to ITscope by many suppliers. Depending on the supplier, various information regarding the dispatch of the order is transmitted
  • INVOICE – the invoice document that is sent back to ITscope by many suppliers. Depending on the supplier, various information regarding invoicing of the order is transmitted
  • QUOTATION – the quote document for a quote that has been created on ITscope. This document can be used for further processing or for creating a new quote in other systems, and can be downloaded via the ITscope API method /business/quotes
    • The <BUYER_PID type=”itscope”> XML element contains the ID of the supplierItem in the quote line items, if the line item is an ITscope item. For example <ns2:BUYER_PID type=”itscope”>53514216</ns2:BUYER_PID>. This makes it possible to identify a unique source of supply (supplierItem) for the product.

Validation of OpenTrans 2.1 documents

If OpenTrans 2.1 has already been implemented and the ITscope API has been connected, then the OpenTrans documents can be validated using the API method /business/documents/validate.

It is important to note that the corresponding namespaces have to be set in the XML document, meaning every element that is not a part of the main namespace is marked accordingly. Generally, the examples and the documentation should be used when creating new documents. In case of validation errors, the documentation also provides help regarding compulsory fields, order of the fields, length of fields, data types of fields and formatting of fields.

Deviations from the OpenTrans XSD standard

Since the OpenTrans schema is no longer being updated, we have decided to make adaptations for our use cases. An adapted schema file can be downloaded below under Downloads.

Date of the modificationFieldModification
March 2024PAYMENTThe requirement to define either CARD, ACCOUNT, DEBIT, CHECK or CASH has been removed.
September 2023QUOTATION_ITEMElements “OPTIONAL” and “OPTIONAL_PICKED” added, which indicate whether the position is optional and whether it was selected
May 2023NAME2 und NAME3 in ADDRESSIncreased maximum length from 50 to 100 characters
March 2023ORDER_REFERENCE in ORDERRESPONSETo allow better allocation of the item in the order response. Contains the LINEITEM_ID and ORDER_ID of the original order.
September 2022„type“-Attribute in ORDERSupport for the additional shipping types “express12”, “express8”, “expressSaturday10”, “expressSaturday12” and “pickup”.
July 2022PRODUCT_STOCK_FIXAdditional element in ORDER_ITEM if the order was placed via the ITscope platform or a B2B suite. Contains information about the current stock at the time of the order.
April 2022AGREEMENT_END_DATE in AGREEMENTNo longer a mandatory field
November 2021ORDER_UNITList of units supplemented to include Z11 (hanging container)
October 2021COUNTRY_CODED in ADDRESSList of country codes supplemented to include XR (Kosovo)
October 2021ART_ID
Increased maximum length from 30 to 150 characters
October 2021MANUFACTURER_PIDIncreased maximum length from 50 to 150 characters
September 2021CONTRACT_INFORMATIONAdded fields for recurring prices, see Structure of the Order document for orders containing subscription products
July 2021DESCRIPTION_SHORTIncreased maximum length from 150 to 1024 characters
June 2021SERIAL_NUMBERAdded ‘type’ attribute
June 2021NAME in ADDRESSIncreased maximum length from 50 to 100 characters

OpenTrans 2.1 download

The documentation and OpenTrans 2.1 XSDs in German and English can be downloaded here.

Additionally, an example XML file has been provided for quotes.

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