business/quotes methods

Last modified: 27. June 2022

Retrieving a list of existing quotes

The following query parameters can be used:

  • sort – criteria for sorting
    • LAST_MODIFIED: modification date descending
    • VALID_DESC: validity date of the quote descending
    • VALID_ASC: validity date of the quote ascending
    • TITLE_DESC: quote name descending
    • TITLE_ASC: quote name ascending
    • ORGANIZATION_DESC: descending by company name in the quote
    • ORGANIZATION_ASC: ascending by company name in the quote
  • page
    • 1..n, retrievals are always limited to 50 quotes per page.


Searching for existing quotes

The following filters are possible:

  • keywords: partial quote number search, quote short URL and quote name
  • quoteno: own assigned quote number, e.g. quoteno=MAN-20150126-10147
  • status: filter according to listing status, e.g. status=WON.

The following query parameters are possible:

  • sort – criteria for sorting
    • LAST_MODIFIED: modification date descending
    • SENT_DESC: date of dispatch descending
    • SEND_ASC: date of dispatch ascending
    • SUPPLIER: supplier name descending
    • ID: ITscope order number descending
  • page
    • 1..n, retrievals are always limited to 50 quotes per page.


Retrieving an existing quote

The following URL is an example of retrieving information for a quote on the ITscope platform, using an example ID of ‘8b838586-030d-4c89-90ae-b63e497803d9’:


Quote as PDF

The following URL is an example of retrieving a PDF for a quote on the ITscope platform, using an example ID of ‘8b838586-030d-4c89-90ae-b63e497803d9’:


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