Differences API 2.0 to API 1.0

Last modified: 6. July 2022

ITscope API 2.0

An easy way to learn the ITscope API 2.0, the Interactive API .

We recommend upgrading to this latest version for our customers using API 1.0.

Innovations, enhancements and improvements over the API version 1.0:

  • The performance of the releases, whether exports or API methods, through the API 2.0 is much better than through the API 1.0
  • There are only 4 übersichtlicherere data format profiles for products available
    • Standard – provides the data in easily usable form ready – as a flat CSV files, or XML, or JSON format with product, supplier, property and cross-selling data
    • Standard Update – this can be used to efficiently hourly adjustment of prices and availability
    • Developer – only recommended for absolute ITscope data professionals. Technical advice from ITscope is necessary.
    • Developer Update – this can be used to efficiently hourly adjustment of prices and availability
  • All three output formats – CSV, XML and JSON – have the same contents, which in the end brings benefits through a uniform sequence and clearer naming of fields. The readability for the XML, JSON and CSV formats was significantly improved by renaming and grouping fields.
  • All data format and output format combinations have a limit of 800,000 products per export in the API 1.0.
  • Order of contents in all formats (CSV, JSON, XML)
  • CSV does not have carriage returns (CR) or linefeeds (LF) more within columns or elements
  • CSV separator TAB (/ t) instead of KOMMA (,)
  • All data are encoded UTF-8
  • CSV no quoting more of the individual columns by HOCHKOMMA ( “)
  • XML and JSON are now also available in each data profile available, both for retrieval via API as well as for use in exports.
  • Native XML schema for purchase orders, quotes, companies and products
  • Image sizes for Icecat and 1WorldSync images
  • All data sheets of ITscope.com can now be sent over a single link to colleagues, partners or customers, for example, to your customers or partners without a ITscope.com login is required.
  • Datasheets in PDF format may also like the HTML formats are sent via a link to clients and other non-members ITscope
  • Datasheets are in different languages , French, English, Dutch, Italian and Spanish and can be transmitted via a link.
  • Product prices are abhändig of the applied pricing (no explicit Min and Maxpreise more)
  • Mandatory fields for the export, so that in the event of an error these are filtered out, which is again listed in the log
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