Purchasing Board

Last modified: 9. January 2023


User-specific shopping carts: if activated, every employee of your customer will have their own, separate shopping cart that cannot be viewed by other colleagues. This results in personal and general shopping carts (see screenshots). 

The general shopping cart shows a summary view of the customer’s products that are currently in shopping carts. New shopping carts can be created in the purchasing board, for example in order to represent cost centres or to construct another type of shopping cart structure. Each customer can create this structure themselves.

Comment fields for order positions (individual module)

Enable comments addressed to seller: If activated, customers will be able to leave remarks for the seller which aren’t visible to the distributor.

You can also select whether distributor comments should be copied for order automations.

Additionally, you can change the caption of both comments.

Both comments with their respective captions will be shown to your customers in the customer portal.

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