Price list import

Last modified: 5. October 2020

As soon as the price list of a distributor has been set up, it will be updated frequently and automatically. In this process, we’re checking if the price list has changed and what has changed. Price and stock level information is updated several times a day. Changes in matching data such as product description, manufacturer, EAN and article numbers etc. are only updated during the nightly update process. The addition of new products also only takes place at night.

Products from your price list can be hidden on ITscope for several reasons. New entries are only created during the next nightly update process as described above.

If, however, products are still not shown on the next day, then the products may have been excluded from import. The most common reasons for this are:

  • Supplier item number is not unique or is invalid
  • Category specification is a collective name such as ‘Miscellaneous’, ‘Winter promotion’ etc.
  • Manufacturer specification is a collective name such as ‘OEM’, ‘No-Name’ or ‘Others’ etc.

In the price list import report, you can find out how your products have been processed and if any errors occurred. This can often be useful in helping to find out why products from your price list are not being shown on ITscope.

The price list import report is available under My Company (1) > Overview (2) > Price list import report (3) on the right-hand side.

This will generate an Excel spreadsheet containing all products that have been processed during the last nightly update process. It will contain our matching information, including the price list row ID (plzid), the ITscope ID (puid) and an error code, among other information.

Every product from a supplier is assigned a unique ID called PLZID. The reason for hiding a product is specified with an error code (ercode). The meaning of these error codes is described here.

Products shown on ITscope can also have an error code, as not every error code will lead to an exclusion. These errors should still be considered and corrected to avoid future matching problems with this product.

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