Format description for metadata

Last modified: 21. July 2023

Metadata is available in XML and JSON output formats.

company – list of companies

Details about the API call for metadata can be found in the company metadata method article.

Each manufacturer or supplier is assigned to a company.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
name String (255)Name of the company
manufacturer manufacturerReference to the manufacturer object; only available if this company is a manufacturer
supplier supplierReference to the supplier object; only available if this company is a supplier

manufacturer – list of manufacturers

Details about the API call for metadata can be found in the company metadata method article.

Manufacturer of a product.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
idYesLongUnique key
nameYesString (255)Manufacturer identifier
shortNameYesString (255)Manufacturer shortened name
deeplinkYesString (2048)URL, link to the manufacturer page on the ITscope platform

supplier- list of suppliers

Details about the API call for metadata can be found in the company metadata method article.

Supplier of a source of supply.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
idYesLongUnique key
nameYesString (255)Supplier identifier
deeplinkYesString (2048)URL, link to the supplier page on the ITscope platform
customerAccountNumber String (255)Customer number in case of partnership. Can be used as a filter to determine if there is a partnership with this supplier
weeeRegNoString (12)WEEE number, is considered as proof of the registration of the manufacturer, the brand and the type of electrical or electronic equipment carried out in the country of manufacture.

productType – list of product types

Details about the API call for metadata can be found in the products/producttypes metadata method article.

Type of product, e.g. server or processor.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
idYesLongUnique key
productTypeGroupYesproductTypeGroup (3)Reference to product type group (, n:1)
nameYesString (255)Identifier of the product type. Can be used as a 2nd category level.
attributeTypeId1 LongUnambiguous attribute key to build a possible subcategory, points 1:n to AttributeCluster.attributeTypeId
attributeTypeName1 String (255)Identifier of the attribute to build up a possible subcategory
attributeTypeId2 LongUnambiguous Attribute Key to build a possible subcategory, points 1:n to AttributeCluster.attributeTypeId
attributeTypeName2 String (255)Identifier of the attribute to build up a possible subcategory
attributeTypeId3 LongUnambiguous attribute key to build a possible subcategory, points 1:n to AttributeCluster.attributeTypeId
attributeTypeName3 String (255)Identifier of the attribute to build up a possible subcategory
attributeTypeId4 LongUnambiguous Attribute Key to build a possible subcategory, points 1:n to AttributeCluster.attributeTypeId
attributeTypeName4 String (255)Identifier of the attribute to build up a possible subcategory
attributeTypeId5 LongUnambiguous Attribute Key to build a possible subcategory, points 1:n to AttributeCluster.attributeTypeId
attributeTypeName5 String (255)Identifier of the attribute to build up a possible subcategory
attributeType attributeTypeReference to attributeType table


Specific characteristics of product properties.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
id LongUnique identifier of a specific property type
name String (255)Name of the specific property type
rank LongRanking of the property type, e.g. this can be used for sorting
type IntegerData type of the property type
attributeUnit attributeUnitReference to attributeUnit table
groupId LongIdentifier of a property group, not a table reference, but uniquely identifies attributeTypeGroupName
groupName String (255)Name of the property group


Units of all characteristics.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
id String (100)Unique identifier of a unit
baseUnitId String (100)The base unit of the unit
mFactor LongMultiplication factor for conversion of the base unit into the unit
divFactor LongDivisor for conversion of the base unit into the unit


Details about the API call for metadata can be found in the products/producttypes metadata method article.

Product type grouping.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
idYesString (3)Unique key
nameYesString (255)Name of the group of product types, e.g. network technology. Can be used as a 1st category level.
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