Field descriptions and examples

Last modified: 14. September 2023

The description of the fields are separated into:

  • Data for matching / fields relevant for product classification
  • Price and stock fields
  • Optional fields


Even though many of the matching and optional fields are not essential prerequisites for the listing, we would like to suggest that you fill in as many fields as possible in order to noticeably increase the quality of your ITscope listing.

Please keep in mind that many merchants import the data into their ERP systems and online shops. If your products are not correctly assigned and displayed, they will not be taken into account for exports.

The quantity and particularly the quality of the data you send to us is decisive for:

  • Fast integration of your price list
  • Better discoverability of your products
  • Better matching of your products to our catalogue and categories
  • More customers that can be won over for your products
  • More customers that integrate you into their ERPs or online shops as a supplier

Specifications and examples

The specification and corresponding examples on how the data should look in your price list is described below.

Note: in order to make sure that your assortment can be matched in the best possible way, the following fields should be available in your product assortment data file:

* = Mandatory

Data for matching / fields relevant for product classification

Column headingSpecification/descriptionExampleResult
* Article numberYour unique article number (SKU)

Note: the SKU may not contain blank spaces

Your article number/SKU must remain constant for the item offered and must be unique. The same article number/SKU must never be used for two different products (or different product conditions)

Max. length 32 characters

* Manufacturer SKUEntire original SKU provided by the manufacturer No marketing designators (e.g. ‘MFC 7320’) Note:
Product bundles must be clearly identified as such. 
The manufacturer SKU of the additional product must be appended with a ‘+’ to the manufacturer SKU of the main product.
Furthermore, bundles must be identified by an additional column Max. 40 characters
MZ-75E250B/EU Bundles e.g.:
SSD: MZ-75E250B/EU
Cable: 84220
=> MZ-75E250B/EU+84220 Exceptions to this rule are bundles that have a number defined by the manufacturer
* EANMay contain EAN or UPC code Only the original EAN from the manufacturer is allowed. 13 digits maximum8806086522977
* ManufacturerName of the manufacturer
(manufacturer or brand name)
* Short DescriptionShort description without HTML or marketing texts, preferably the original description from the manufacturerSAMSUNG 850 EVO SSD 250GB – internal – 6.4 cm 2.5 inches – SATA 6 Gb/s 
* Category 1Product family designatorPC hardwareProcessed internally
Category 2Product type designatorDrives
Category 3Key differentiatorSolid State Disk
Long descriptionLong description of product details.

This column can also contain more detailed specifications for the product
SATA 6Gb/s, Buffer: 512 MB, Self Encrypting Drive (SED),
TCG Opal Encryption 2.0
Licence Contract Type (Mandatory field if you offer ESD, services, eCare packs, licences, …)Unique designator for your licence products to enable correct ordering (including licensee details). Further information regarding the licence contract types and codes can be found in this support article.
Licences, ESD, eCare packs and similar products must be marked accordingly in this column. A comment in the short description column is not sufficient!
Text preferred, as precise as possible: ESD, licence, services, eCare pack, … (we map this Licence Contract Type onto our internal codes, for grouping purposes) 
WEEE registration numberThis is your own WEEE Reg. No. or the WEEE Reg. No. of your supplier.

If you are neither a manufacturer nor the first distributor, you are still obliged to send us a WEEE Reg.
In this case please send us the WEEE Reg. No. of your supplier.

Further information can be found under the following help entry:
DE 85557369Processed internally 

Price and stock data

Column headingSpecification/descriptionExampleResult
* Net priceThe price you’re listing the product for on ITscope. Also referred to as the Wholesale Selling Price (WSP). Even if no general price is to be shown to users, a reference price must be provided to allow product classification!

Please note:
The price must be in Euro (€) No currency symbols in the cell Products with obvious dummy prices will not be listed (e.g. 123456, 999999) ‘Prices on request’: if you want the price of a product to only be available on request, then the price for this item must be set to 0 (zero)
* StockOnly your own stock of inventory! Important: the stock has to be provided as an integer without any delimiters. e.g. 1159 (instead of 1,159) The stock can be limited to a threshold value (10+, 50+, …). Just send us a mail. Important: A stock < 10 has to be displayed correctly (e.g. 1+ not possible)67
Pre-supplier delivery dateProducts that have been ordered from the pre-supplier (‘items in transit’) have to be tagged with a delivery date, i.e. the date the products are available to be shipped from your own inventory. Preferably, this is given in combination with the ordered quantity (see ‘Pre-supplier ordered quantity’) deducting already sold items. This date may not be in the past and may be max. three months in the future. Otherwise, the availability status may be displayed as ‘delivery date unknown’ or ‘not available’13-06-2016
Pre-supplier ordered quantityQuantity of products ordered from the pre-supplier100
External stockStock available from an external warehouse (exclusive access) / from the pre-supplier76
Field warehouse delivery timeProducts that will be delivered from a field warehouse or external inventory have to be tagged with the expected delivery time per item2-3 days
x days
Item will be ordered or manufactured on request?yes/no
RRPRecommended retail price149.90
Order unitUnit in which the product can be ordered; only multiples of this given unit can be ordered. The price always refers to this unit (or parts or multiples thereof). Example: a crate of bottled water with 6 bottles. In this case, the order unit would be ‘crate’, the content unit/unit of the product would be ‘bottle’ and the packaging quantity would be ‘6’.   If sales/packaging quantities are used, then at least the order unit and price quantity must be specified. If only the packaging quantity and content unit are available, then these should be provided as the order unit and price quantity.   Ideally this field is provided in UN/CEFACT units, but it is also possible to assign your own units.   (BMEcat: ORDER_UNIT)PA 
Price quantityA multiple or fraction of the order unit, which indicates the quantity to which all quoted prices refer. If this field is not specified, the default value of ‘1’ is assumed. The price therefore refers to exactly one order unit. Another example: price quantity = 10 (i.e. the specified price refers to 10 boxes)   [BMEcat: PRICE_QUANTITY]1 
Content unitUnit of the product within an order unit.   Ideally this field is provided in UN/CEFACT units, but it is also possible to assign your own units.   (BMEcat: CONTENT_UNIT)C62 
Packaging quantityNumber of content units per order unit of the product.   (BMEcat: NO_CU_PER_OU)10 
Minimum order quantityMinimum number of order units that must be ordered; if not specified, the default value of ‘1’ is assumed. Example: 5 (i.e. 5 boxes). This field should be set according to the first scaled price step. In other words, if the minimum order quantity is greater than 1, then the first scaled price step should also start at the specified minimum order quantity.   (BMEcat: QUANTITY_MIN)5 
Quantity intervalNumber indicating the scale quantity interval in which the product can be ordered. This always starts with the minimum order quantity specified (see above). The unit for the quantity scale is the order unit.    (BMEcat: QUANTITY_INTERVAL)5 

Optional data

Column headingSpecification/descriptionExampleResult
Picture URLURL to the product picture on your server URL has to be an HTTP or HTTPS hyperlink referencing the file directly
Your picture is displayed in the gallery
Datasheet URLURL to the product datasheet on your server URL has to be an HTTP or HTTPS hyperlink referencing the file directly
Net weightWeight of the product without packaging/accessories. The weight must consistently either be given in grams or kilograms80

Processed internally 
Gross weightShipping weight: weight of the product with packaging/accessories. The weight must be given in kilograms0.12 
Manufacturer URLURL to the product on the manufacturer’s website
LengthGross length only (packaging dimensions). Only in millimetres (mm)143.00
WidthGross width only (packaging dimensions). Only in millimetres (mm)143.00
HeightGross height only (packaging dimensions). Only in millimetres (mm)18.00
Promo nameName of the promotionSamsung SSD Promo Summer 20xxProcessed internally 
Promo untilThe promotion’s date of expiry31.09.20xxProcessed internally 
VATTax rate in percent19Processed internally 
COOCountry of originKR
Customs tariff numberCustoms tariff number of the product. This is important for customers that export the product to foreign countries84717098
WarrantyWarranty or service period for the product (e.g. offered beyond the statutory warranty)3 yearsProcessed internally 
Item conditionPlease use distinct descriptions for the product condition. These descriptions are matched to our internal condition codes. Additionally, the provided text will also be displayed in the sources of supply details section. If you only provide codes for the item condition, then these are never displayed directly. More information about our condition codes is available here.

Important note:
Used, refurbished, renewed and comparable items have to be clearly marked in this column. A remark in the product description is not sufficient!
Preferred in text form, as detailed as possible: e.g. ‘new open box’, ‘remaining stock’, ‘HP Renew’, … (we map these conditions to our internal codes, for grouping purposes)

Additional notes:

  • Age rating specifications have to be given in a separate column.
  • Used, refurbished und renewed items have to be clearly marked in the corresponding column. A remark in the product description is not sufficient. More information on our condition codes is available here.
  • If you have any further questions or requirements regarding the import/export process, then we will gladly support you in finding a suitable individual solution. Just contact our support.
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