These methods are for sales deals.
Retrieve a list of received portal deals
The following query parameters are possible
- lastUpdateDateFrom
- from the date of the last update. Filters out only those orders where something has really changed since date x. In other words, new response documents have been added
- lastUpdateDateTo
- to the date of the last update. Filters out only those orders where something has really changed up to date x. In other words, new response documents have been added
- archiv
- ARCHIVED: archived deals
- NOTARCHIVED: unarchived deals
- sort – Sortierungskriterien
- LAST_MODIFIED : Change date descending
- SENT_DESC: Shipping date in descending order
- SEND_ASC: Shipping date in ascending order
- SUPPLIER: descending according to supplier
- ID: descending according to the unique ITscope deal number (orderId field)
- page
- 1..n, The queries are always limited to 50 deals per page
A description of the response is described in the deal format description.
Search for received portal deals
The following filters are possible
- keywords: Partial searches in orderId , ownOrderId and customerOrderId, e.g. keywords=11SRRK
- orderId (or legacy by dealId): ITscope unique deal number e.g. orderId=11SRRK-150126-1136
- ownOrderId (or legacy by ownDealId): Own order number assigned by the purchaser, e.g. ownOrderId=54321
- customerOrderId (or legacy by customerDealId): The order number of the end customer, e.g. customerOrderId=12345
- status: Filter by deal status, e.g. status=ADVISED
- cartId: Search based on the shopping cart IDs in which the deal is located*
* only API 2.1, see here.
The following query parameters are possible
- archiv
- ARCHIVED: archived deals
- NOTARCHIVED: unarchived deals
- sort – Sortierungskriterien
- LAST_MODIFIED : Change date descending
- SENT_DESC: Shipping date in descending order
- SEND_ASC: Shipping date in ascending order
- SUPPLIER: descending according to supplier
- ID: descending according to the unique ITscope deal number (orderId field)
- page
- 1..n, The queries are always limited to 50 deals per page
- lastUpdateDateFrom (only API 2.1)
- Search start date, in the format yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss or with time zones yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss±hh:mm
- see ‘Last Modified Date Search Limitation’ later in this post
- lastUpdateDateTo (only API 2.1)
- Search end date, in the format yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss or with time zones yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss±hh:mm
- see ‘Last Modified Date Search Limitation’ later in this post
Example of a search for an order number 54231 assigned by the buyer
Example of a search for an end customer order number 12345
Example of a search for all deals for a shopping cart with the ID 611e-ac7b-42c2-a3b6-2434812ede75
A description of the response is described in the deal format description.
Last Modified Date Search Limitation (API 2.1 only)
The corresponding request parameters are only available from API 2.1. The parameters filter on the statusDate field for deals, see format description for deals. The change date indicates when the last time a new response document (transaction document) was added to an deal, such as a changed order confirmation or a delivery note or invoice. New deals that were created during this period are also found
- lastUpdateDateFrom: The start time for restricting the deal change date period in the format yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss or with time zones yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss±hh:mm. Only if this parameter is set will the deals be filtered by the change date period.
- lastUpdateDateTo: The end time for the order change date period restriction in the format yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss or with time zones yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss±hh:mm. If no value is transmitted, the default value is the current date. The value cannot be less than lastUpdateDateFrom.