ALSO (Germany / Austria)

Last modified: 3. August 2021

Individual price list

Your individual ALSO Deutschland (Germany) and ALSO Österreich (Austria) price list should contain the following standard parameters defined by the distributor:

Separators\t   (tab)   or   ;   (semicolon)
Column headersNO
Column header (item number)SPALTE 1
Column header (price)SPALTE 7
Price list compressedYES
File name (example)

Required information to configure the price list in ITscope:

  • Username 
  • Password 
  • Price list file name

To configure your individual ALSO price list in ITscope, you must first configure or activate the FTP price list in the ALSO shop (if it is not already activated).

Following steps are necessary:

  1. Log in to the ALSO shop ( using your login details
  2. After logging in, navigate to the ‘FTP Administration‘ option on the ‘Administration‘ page (see following screenshots)

In this section, you will find a field where you can enter your price list file name, which you will also use in ITscope later on (see the following screenshot).

3. Simply select the cog symbol to view your FTP access details

4. Enter these FTP price list access details (username, password and price list file name) in ITscope, to allow access to your individual prices from within ITscope

5. To do this, add the supplier to your network and then provide your access data in the ‘My account‘ –> ‘Price list‘ tab.

Here are the direct links to the ALSO Deutschland configuration page, as well as to the ALSO Österreich configuration page in ITscope, also shown in the following screenshot:

6. After activating these settings, your individual price list will automatically be retrieved. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the status of the retrieval.


The following steps are necessary to configure ALSO realtime prices:

  1. Enter your customer number (8 digits, starting with ’10’ and without any spaces – see screenshot below)
  2. Enter your company name (the same name you used when registering with ALSO)
  3. Activate settings (this results in your individual realtime prices being retrieved automatically. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the current retrieval status).

Please note the following:

If you have not yet been actrivated by ALSO, the test will fail.

However, you will automatically be reported to the ALSO system as a ‘user awaiting activation’.

After checking your company name and customer number, an ALSO employee will then approve access, usually within one day.

Please contact if you encounter any problems or questions.

Your ALSO customer number can, for example, be found in the ALSO shop (

See following screenshot:

Please make sure to add the correct customer number when adding ALSO to your network.

The customer number can, of course, be changed in ITscope at any time.

Here are the direct links to the ALSO Deutschland configuration page, as well as to the ALSO Österreich configuration page in ITscope, also shown in the following screenshot:

Project list – ALSO Deutschland

For the supplier ALSO Germany, a project list import is available as a price display option:

Once you have added the supplier to your network in ITscope, the project list can be set up in the web shop.

Information required to configure the ALSO Deutschland project list in ITscope:

  • Username (username for importing the project list from the distributor)
  • Password (password for importing the project list from the distributor)

The necessary access data can be obtained from your ALSO sales contact person.

For technical questions, please contact ALSO EDI/XMLI support via email at


The ‘order‘ service is immediately available after adding this distributor to your network.

You can deposit your individual order conditions in this section.

Here is the direct link to the order service for ALSO Deutschland, as well as ALSO Österreich.

Der Distributor hat dazu folgenden Hinweis in ITscope hinterlegt:

The distributor has left the following note in ITscope:

The order service can be used without further configuration.

ILN and DUNS are optional.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Bestellung ggfs. in eine Sperre läuft und von ALSO gesondert freigeschaltet werden muss (z.B. aufgrund von fehlender E-CarePack-Informationen o.ä.).

Please note that the order may be blocked and may have to be activated separately by ALSO (e.g. due to missing E-CarePack information or similar).

At this point in time, please only use the drop shipment (send with own delivery note) option if you have registered with and consulted ALSO regarding this option.

The drop shipping option can, however, be set to ‘No‘ and you can still specify a third-party delivery address. In this case, an ALSO delivery note is used.

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