XML / JSON formats for API 1.0

Last modified: 2. September 2022

The hierarchical output formats XML and JSON are summarised here because they are very similar in structure and the contents are identical.

The root element is products and each product is in its own product element. The contained fields have already been discussed in more detail in the CSV formats.

detailed (full.xml, full.json)

This format is only available for API calls, not for exports. API retrieval is done with “full.xml” or “full.json”.

The large data volume of the detailed XML format means that it can not be used in the export. If all product data are to be exported via the export, the detailed CSV data format “CSV all data 2 (zip)” must be used.

In addition to product data, the format subforms contains the following referenced objects: Product type, manufacturer, reference source, all content types. References and content types can occur multiple times. The fields of the respective sub-elements are described in more detail in the format “CSV all data 2 (zip)”.

Product / puidUnique product ID (ITscope Product ID)
Product / set /The product type to which the product is assigned
Product / man /The manufacturer of the product
Product / supplierItem /An element for each reference source
Product / keyContent /Key content, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / mediaContent /Media Content, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / ratingContent /Rating content, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / refContent /Ref Content, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / textContent /Text content, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / rankGeneral ITscope Rank (a high number corresponds to a bad ranking)
Product / relevanceAddiction relevance
Product / qualificationQualification of the product
Product / eanEAN
Product / manufacturerSKUManufacturer part number
Product / shortInfoShort identifier
Product / productNameProduct name, long name
Product / deeplinkDeeplink to the ITscope.com platform
Product / recRetailPriceManufacturer’s RRP
Product / vatValue added tax
Product / estimateGrossWeightWeight
Product / grossDimXLength of the product
Product / grossDimYHeight of the product
Product / grossDimZWidth of the product
Product / entryDateSince when is the product on the platform
Product / minPriceInfo /From price ProductPriceInfo, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / maxPriceInfo /Max price ProductPriceInfo, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / featureAttribute1Property value for the attributes from Set.attributeTypeId1
Product / featureAttribute2Property value for the attributes from Set.attributeTypeId2
Product / featureAttribute3Property value for the attributes from Set.attributeTypeId3
Product / featureAttribute4Property value for the attributes from Set.attributeTypeId4
Product / featureAttribute5Property value for the attributes from Set.attributeTypeId5
Product / productTypeType of product
Product / productLineProduct line
Product / productModelProduct model

short (small.jml, small.json)

This format is available in the export. API retrieval is done with “small.xml” or “small.json”.

In addition to product data, the format includes the product type and manufacturer.

Product / puidUnique product ID (ITscope Product ID)
Product / set /The product type to which the product is assigned
Product / man /The manufacturer of the product
Product / rankGeneral ITscope rank (a high number corresponds to a bad ranking)
Product / relevanceSearch result relevance
Product / qualificationQualification of the product
Product / eanEAN
Product / manufacturerSKUManufacturer part number
Product / shortInfoShort identifier
Product / productNameProduct name, long name
Product / deeplinkDeeplink to the ITscope.com platform
Product / recRetailPriceManufacturer’s RRP
Product / vatValue added tax
Product / estimateGrossWeightWeight
Product / grossDimXLength of the product
Product / grossDimYHeight of the product
Product / grossDimZWidth of the product
Product / entryDateSince when is the product on the platform
Product / minPriceInfo /From price ProductPriceInfo, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / maxPriceInfo /Max price ProductPriceInfo, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / aggregatedStatusBest availability status
Product / aggregatedStatusTextBest readable availability status
Product / aggregatedStockTotal of all inventories
Product / aggregatedSupplierItemsSum of all distributors for this product

priceStockUpdate (prices.xml, prices.json)

This format is available in the export. API retrieval is done with “prices.xml” or “prices.json”

For each product aggregated price/stock data, as well as for all reference sources, the respective price and stock data are output.

Product / puidUnique product ID (ITscope Product ID)
Product / eanEAN
Product / manufacturerSKUManufacturer part number
Product / minPriceInfo /From price ProductPriceInfo, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / maxPriceInfo /Max price ProductPriceInfo, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / aggregatedStatusBest availability status
Product / aggregatedStatusTextBest readable availability status
Product / aggregatedStockTotal of all inventories
Product / aggregatedSupplierItemsSum of all distributors for this product
Product / supplierItem /An element for each reference source
Product / supplierItem / idUnique identifier of the reference source
Product / supplierItem / supplier /Data on the supplier
Product / supplierItem / supplierItemIdArticle number of supplier
Product / supplierItem / stockStock in this reference source
Product / supplierItem / lastStockUpdateTime of last update of inventory
Product / supplierItem / stockStatusInventory status indicator (refers to stockStatusText)
Product / supplierItem / stockStatusTextReadable inventory status
Product / supplierItem / stockSourceIdIdentifier for the origin of the price and stock information (relating to stock source name)
Product / supplierItem / stockSourceNameReadable text on the origin of the stock information (stock list, …)
Product / supplierItem / stockUnlimitedTrue = unlimited stock, false = not unlimited
Product / supplierItem / priceInfo /One item per existing price, contains the price information (see SupplierItemPriceInfo table for “CSV all data 2 (zip)”)

supplierItem list including priceStockUpdate (sources.xml, sources.json)

This format is available in the export. API retrieval is done with “sources.xml” or “sources.json”

For each product, aggregated price/stock data as well as all reference source data including the respective price and stock data are output.

Product / puidUnique product ID (ITscope Product ID)
Product / eanEAN
Product / manufacturerSKUManufacturer part number
Product / minPriceInfo /From price ProductPriceInfo, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / maxPriceInfo /Max price ProductPriceInfo, see table in “CSV all data 2 (zip)”
Product / aggregatedStatusBest availability status
Product / aggregatedStatusTextBest readable availability status
Product / aggregatedStockTotal of all inventories
Product / aggregatedSupplierItemsSum of all distributors to this product
Product / supplierItem /An element for each reference source
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