What do the error messages mean that may occur when importing my individual prices?

Last modified: 22. July 2022

Occasionally, you may receive emails with price list retrieval errors from the ITscope.com portal.

e.g. with the following content:

Dear ITscope user, following error message occurred when importing Ingram Micro price list import (HTTP):
 HTTP Status Code 401: Unauthorized Exception:HTTP Status Code 401: Unauthorized

Errors may sometimes occur when a price list is imported, in this case you will receive a notification email.

Please note: suppliers may sometimes shut down their servers for maintenance. The supplier server may also not be available on certain days of the week, or the price lists may not be generated by the supplier on certain days.

The error messages can be divided into three categories:

  • Connection errors
  • Price list errors
  • Authentication errors

Connection errors

– Read or Connection timed out

– Connection Refused / Reset or Closed without indication

– No route to host

This error means that during the transmission of the price list, no connection to the supplier could be established because the server cannot be reached by the respective supplier and therefore the list could not be read in.

Please ask the respective supplier directly if these error messages occur. If the price list is on your server, please check the availability of your server.

– HTTP status 404: Not Found

This error means that ITscope’s servers could not find the entered link on the web, i.e. the deposited address is invalid.

Correct the problem by checking whether you have entered a valid web link or whether the supplier’s website is offline. Please also remember that suppliers also shut down their servers for maintenance and that on certain days of the week some servers may not be available.

– no protocol: xyz

This error means that a web address beginning with ‘http://’, or an FTP address beginning with ‘ftp://’, is expected in the price list file name/price list URL field of the eService. This error usually occurs when a full price list link must be entered in the supplier account.

Solve the problem by checking whether you have entered a full, valid price list link.

Price list errors

– Oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree

– Unexpected end of ZLIB input

This error indicates that the zipped price file is defective.

Report the error (your zipped price file is defective) to your supplier contact person.

– HTTP status 502: Bad Gateway

This error is sent by Siewert & Kau.

Solve the problem by re-entering the price list link while following the instructions from Siewert&Kau. Please note that the price list link changes as soon as the login details for Siewert&Kau are changed.

– The FTP price list (xyz) cannot be found on the supplier server.

– The price list cannot be found on the supplier server. Import process cancelled.

The desired price file cannot be retrieved because it does not exist. With some suppliers, the generation of price list files is stopped if no orders have been placed with the supplier for a certain period of time.

Please clarify the above point with your contact person at the respective supplier.

– With a file size of x bytes, the price list on the supplier is smaller than the limit of 2048 bytes. Content of the file: xyz. Import process cancelled.

A file has been created or downloaded from the server with a content size smaller than the limit of 2 kb. The content of this file will be shown in the email.

The contents of the file provide information about the error. Please clarify this point with your contact person at the respective supplier.

– Column count of zero determined. Please check the given separator char.

Either the expected column separator was not found in the price file, or the loaded price file does not correspond to the defined format (e.g. XLS instead of TXT or CSV).

Please contact us so that we can further explain which format is required, or so that we can adapt the relevant supplier’s price list reader to the new specifications.

– The required column (xyz) cannot be found in the price list file!

The mentioned column cannot be found in the price list file. This column may, for example, contain your individual price or the article number of the distributor.

If you can edit the columns of the price list file yourself, e.g. via the distributor’s shop, then please correct the price list file accordingly. If you do not have access to the appearance of the price list file, report this error to the corresponding distributor, who can adapt the price list file for you. Alternatively, you can also inform us about the varying column name, we are then able to adapt your price list reader accordingly.

– Price list retrieval not possible: no price list data stored

This error means that you have not provided access data or a price list link in the eService to retrieve the price list.

Configure the eService accordingly with the data you have received.

Authentication errors

These errors mean that a login on the server of the respective supplier to download the price list with the entered access data is not permitted. Most of the time, wrong access data have been entered or the access data for a different login area for the respective supplier has been entered.

Solve the problem by checking your access data again or by asking your supplier for the access data again. Log in to the online shops or FTP server with the access data as a test. Report the problem to your contact person at the respective supplier.

This solution applies to all authentication errors mentioned here:

– Negative FTP reply: 530 Authentication failed

– Negative FTP reply: 530 Not logged in

– Negative FTP reply: 530 Logon attempt rejected

– Negative FTP reply: 530 Invalid userid/password

– Negative FTP reply: 530 Not logged in – password incorrect

– Negative FTP reply: 530 Valid hostname is expected

– HTTP status 401: Unauthorized

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