
Last modified: 4. February 2022


Sharing is available in several places on the ITscope platform. As an example, a product or search can be shared with other people, or with other services.

Sharing a single product

Share menu

The share menu is located in the details section, and can be opened by clicking on the ‘share’ icon (1).

When sharing products, various tiles are displayed in the upper section of the platform, representing the built-in services and integrations. These include the 1-click import via various integrations (2) or sending by email (3). Own links can also be generated (4), in order to easily access websites and services with ready-made data, such as the name of the product. This tile can be configured via the gear icon (5).

In the lower section of the platform you will find a number of different links for direct copying. These include, for example, a deep link (6) for the product, a datasheet link (7) or download links (8) which can be used in your own software.

Configuration of the individual tile for products

The tile can be given a name using the ‘Name’ field. The deposited URL that is opened when the tile is clicked, can be customised in the following ways:

  • to your own public web endpoint, e.g.:<id>. The PHP script stored in this location can then retrieve the ITscope product API with the submitted product (PHP parameter “itscopeProductId”)
  • to your own data protocol, e.g.: myERP://itscopeProductId=<id>. The registered application can then retrieve the ITscope Product API with the submitted product (ERP Parameter “itscopeProductId”)
  • see also: sending product data directly from the online platform to your own application
  • to lead to a URL with a search function, e.g.:<name>
  • the parameters can also be used together in a URL, e.g.:<manufacturer_name>+<manufacturer_pid>

Following ITscope parameters are available:

  • id: ITscope Product ID
  • ean: EAN of the product
  • name: name of the product
  • shortinfo: short product description
  • manufacturer_pid: manufacturer product number
  • manufacturer_name: name of the manufacturer

Sharing a product search

Share menu

This dialogue is similar to the product sharing dialogue, but with fewer features.

You can generate your own links to easily access websites and services with ready-made data, such as the name of the product. This tile can be configured.

In the lower section you will find a number of different links for direct copying. These include, for example, a deep link for the search or download links which can be used in your own software.

Configuration of the individual tile for product searches

The tile can be given a name using the ‘Name’ field. The deposited URL that is opened when the tile is clicked, can be customised in the following ways:

Following ITscope parameters are available:

  • searchTerm: ITscope API search filter keys

The following points should be noted:

  • 50 items can arrive at a time, page = 1 is the default, i.e. other items from the search have to be reloaded with page = 2, page = 3 etc.
  • there is no total number of search results set in the response, i.e. you have to page through until there are no more results
  • check the ‘plzproducts’ parameter again, to see if it is required (more information can be found here)
  • in some cases the %20 in the URL has to be masked again into a %2520 (more information can be found here)
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