
Last modified: 21. February 2023

When designing your portals, there are a few things to consider with regard to cyber security and domain security.

When designing your portal, we recommend refraining from using the CI and CD of your end customer companies too explicitly. This applies especially to end customers who are active in the field of critical infrastructure, as banks, insurance companies, pharmaceutical or defense companies. In order that the domain of your portal is not classified as suspicious by security service providers, spam blacklist operators and antivirus manufacturers, we make the following recommendation:

  • Do not use the name of the end-user company for the generated or your own domain!
    This can lead to a user of the end customer, who does not know about your shopping portal, reporting it as unsafe or as a phishing portal.
  • Avoid using images that make the portal look like a corporate solution of your end customer. Use neutral images and work with customization via colors.
  • Submit the generated or own domain of your portal to the IT department of your end customer, so that the firewall of the end customer company classifies it as trustworthy.
  • Raise awareness among portal users on the subject of phishing and cyber security.
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