Quote and project prices

Last modified: 25. June 2024

In order to import individual quote and/or project prices for customers, a separate list with individual access for each customer is required. The preferred file format is as a CSV or TXT file divided by separators (e.g. ‘;’ , ‘,’ , ‘\t‘) with an end-of-line separator \r\n.

CSV / TXTThe usual separators are supported.
Important: if separators and line breaks occur within fields, the corresponding fields must be quoted correctly (e.g. delimitation by quotation marks, use of escape characters or doubling of quotation marks in the user text!)

Your quote/project price list should meet the following criteria

  • Field or column headings as the first line
  • The list can contain manufacturer projects but also individual quotes from the supplier
  • Items can appear in several quotes/projects. If the item is present more than once in a quote/project, then the field projectPosition must be set and must be different. If bundles are involved, BundleId must also be filled in as a mandatory field.

* = Mandatory fields

Column titleSpecification/descriptionExample
* ArtikelnummerYour article number (supplier article number)

Note: the article number must not contain any spaces.

Max. 32 characters
Lieferant Angebot/ProjektnummerProject/quote number of the supplierAN-2022-1235/AB
* Hersteller ProjektnummerThe manufacturer’s project number (unique key). In the case of a supplier quote, this is identical to the quote numberHPP16472342
* PreisProject price (without currency)1300
* MengeRemaining quota280
Projekt/Angebots NameName of the project/quoteHP printer for Karlsruhe city administration
* HerstellernameName of the manufacturerHP
EndkundeEnd customer of the project/quoteKarlsruhe city administration
Gültig vonDate from which the project conditions apply. Date from which the quote is valid31.12.2021
Gültig bisDate from which the project conditions become invalid. Date from which the quote expires 31.12.2023
GesamtmengeAgreed quantity within the project scope300
MindestbestellmengeMinimum order quantity for this project10
(*) Projekt Bundle Id Unique key of the project bundle (can be activated for customers via ITscope test lab). To be set as mandatory field if the list contains bundles3421
Projekt BundleNameName of the project bundle (can be activated for customers via ITscope test lab)Dell CTO 3421
(*) PositionsnummerProject line item number (can be activated for all customers via ITscope test lab). To be set as a mandatory field if the item occurs more than once in a quote/project1

Below you will find all available methods for the individual quote/project price lists:

FTP downloadThe best and most secure way to include the lists. Password protection possible (recommended). Retrieval takes place in the format ftp://user:password@yourlinktotheprojectpricelist
HTTP downloadThe second way to include the lists. Password protection possible (recommended). Retrieval takes place in the format http://user:password@yourlinktotheprojectpricelist
Attention: changes to your project price list can only be detected by the file date if the Last-Modified field is present in the HTTP header and is set to the file date of the project price list

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