products/id and products/ids method

Last modified: 3. May 2024

Single product calls via ITscope Product ID

This API call returns exactly one product. The ID provided must be the ITscope product ID, as this is the only way to uniquely reference a product.

  • Additional realtime parameter possible

The following is an example of a retrieval using an ITscope Product ID:

Mass product call via ITscope product ID

This call is only possible from API version 2.1.

This API call returns a maximum of 50 products. The IDs provided must be ITscope product IDs, as this is the only way to uniquely reference a product.

  • Additional realtime parameter possible (which means that only a maximum of 10 products can be searched for)

The following is an example of a retrieval using up to 50 ITscope Product IDs:,357230000/standard.xml

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