Possible applications

Last modified: 9. October 2020

Areas of application

The ITscope API can be used for many different areas of application. All applications allow you to benefit from the advantages of ITscope to enrich your own products and services. For example, the administration of individual prices and price lists can be done completely via ITscope. Products have already been prepared and can then easily be accessed via the API, with individual prices. Double reprogramming of the read-in functions is therefore no longer necessary.

ERP systems

The ITscope API contains all retrieval functions necessary to automatically communicate with an enterprise resource planning system. Many functions from the ITscope.com web platform can analogously be used with the API. This includes the product search and a single product call. For example, the ERP conducts a search using an EAN or keywords via the ITscope API and receives the answer in the desired format, for example XML. Individual products can also be conveniently retrieved in this way. The response can then contain master data, availability and price information in real-time, in addition to extended content and deep links to the ITscope platform. If a large number of products are to be compared with the master data of the ERP system, then the API call for exports that has previously been set up on the ITscope platform can be used for this purpose.

Further details can be found in the ‘Opportunities for integration into an ERP system’ article.

Websites and shops

Websites and shops are able to benefit from ITscope’s powerful, prepared product catalogue, which is easily accessible via the API. All known search mechanisms of the ITscope platform can be used – especially the filters. The products are returned in the desired format and can then be processed directly.

The automatic filling of the product master data of a shop is also possible via the API. For example, the export prepared on the platform can be retrieved at the desired point in time.

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