pilot GmbH

Last modified: 18. December 2020

Individual price list

The following steps are required to configure the pilot Computerhandels GmbH price list:

  1. Enter your customer number
    (the customer number you received from the distributor. Corresponds to the customer number you use to log in to the online shop – already entered)
  2. Enter your online shop password
    (your password for the distributor’s online shop)
  3. Activate settings
    (this results in your individual price list being retrieved automatically. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the current retrieval status).

As a new customer, or if you have any questions regarding the price list, please send an email to t.behrendt@pilot-computer.de.

Here is the link to the pilot price list configuration section in ITscope: pilot Computerhandels GmbH.


The following steps are necessary to configure pilot realtime prices:

  1. Enter your customer number
    (the customer number you received from the distributor. Corresponds to the customer number you use to log in to the online shop – already entered)
  2. Enter your online shop password
    (your password for the distributor’s online shop)
  3. Activate settings
    (this results in your individual realtime prices being retrieved automatically. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the current retrieval status).

The following screenshot shows the realtime configuration section for pilot on ITscope:

Project list

The following steps are necessary to configure a pilot project list:

  1. Enter your customer number
    (the customer number you received from the distributor. Corresponds to the customer number you use to log in to the online shop – usually already entered)
  2. Enter your online shop password
    (your password for the distributor’s online shop)
  3. Activate settings
    (this results in your individual project list being retrieved automatically. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the current retrieval status).

Here is the link to the pilot project list configuration section in ITscope: pilot.

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