api Germany

Last modified: 15. December 2020

Individual price list

The following steps are necessary for the configuration of the api price list:

  1. Enter your customer number
    (this is the customer number you received from the distributor. Also corresponds to the customer number you use in the shop login)
  2. Enter your online shop password
    (your online distributor shop password)
  3. Activate settings
    (this results in your individual price list being retrieved automatically. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the current retrieval status).

As a new customer, or if you have any questions regarding the price lists, please contact vertrieb@api.de.

The following link directly opens the api Germany price list configuration tab in ITscope: api Computerhandels GmbH


The following steps are necessary to configure api realtime prices:

  1. Enter your customer number
    (this is the customer number you received from the distributor. Also corresponds to the customer number you use in the shop login)
  2. Enter your online shop password
    (your online distributor shop password)
  3. Activate settings
    (this results in your individual realtime prices being retrieved automatically. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the current retrieval status).

The following link directly opens the api Germany realtime configuration tab in ITscope: api Computerhandels GmbH

If you have any questions, please send an email to vertrieb@api.de.

Example screenshot for configuring api realtime in ITscope:

Project list

The following steps are necessary to configure your api project list:

  1. Enter your customer number
    (this is the customer number you received from the distributor. Also corresponds to the customer number you use in the shop login – it should already be displayed in this field)
  2. Enter your online shop password
    (your online distributor shop password – password for importing the project list)
  3. Activate settings
    (this results in your individual price list being retrieved automatically. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the current retrieval status).

The following link directly opens the api Germany project list configuration tab in ITscope: api Computerhandels GmbH

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