Format description for products data format developerUpdate

Last modified: 26. April 2024

Please read the article on data formats and output formats first, to make sure that you want to use this particular data format.

Database diagram

Dependency diagram for the CSV output format, including SQL scripts for generating the tables and to load the data with load data local infile at the end of this article.

Overview of data format elements

In CSV output format, these elements are files, in XML or JSON output format these are nodes.

The data format developerUpdate consists of the following elements:

  • product: product from the ITscope catalogue
  • productPriceInfo: calculated price information for a product. This element is only present if a price can be selected and calculated from the pricing rules deposited on the platform by the supplier
  • productStockInfo: availability information for the selected source of supply in productPriceInfo
  • supplierItem: source of supply for an ITscope product. A specific product offering from a distributor listed on ITscope
  • supplier: supplier for a source of supply
  • supplierPriceInfo: price data for a source of supply. For each configured price source, a PriceInfo is stored, e.g. real-time, individual price list or generally available price list. For some suppliers, no generally available prices are listed. In this case, the supplierPriceInfo element is empty (if no individual price list has been configured)
  • supplierStockInfo: availability information for the source of supply
  • project: price, availability and further information on a project item.

Elements marked with a globe vary depending on the selected export language:

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png


Product from the ITscope catalogue.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
puidYesLongUnique key
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png productPriceInfo productPriceInfoCalculated price information for a product. This element is only present if a price can be selected and calculated from the pricing rules deposited on the platform by the supplier
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png productStockInfo productStockInfoAvailability information for the selected source of supply in productPriceInfo
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png supplierItemYesList <supplierItem>Source of supply of an ITscope product. A specific offer from a distributor listed on ITscope


Calculated price information for a product. Is only present if from the supplier deposited within the platform pricing rules, a product may be selected and calculated.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
priceYesBigDecimalPrice basis for the calculated price
priceCalcYesBigDecimalCalculated price, based on the individual price calculation
currencyCodeYesString (3)Currency unit that applies to this price information
priceCalcVatYesBigDecimalSales tax rate that was used to determine the calculated price
priceLastUpdateYesDateTime of last update of price information
minScaleYesIntegerScaled prices
priceSourceIdYesIntegerIdentifier for the source of the price information
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png priceSourceName String (255)Readable text on the origin of the price information, e.g. ‘Individual price list’
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png priceStatusYesString (255)Textual information on price retrieval, e.g. ‘The retrieval of the data was successful’
priceSupplierIdYesLongReference to the supplier (1:1) that provided the source of supply with this price information
priceSupplierNameYesString (255)Name of the supplier that provided this source of supply
priceSupplierItemIdYesLongReference to a source of supply (n:1); if this field is zero, then the price information refers to a product (source of supply reference and product reference are mutually exclusive)
priceSupplierSKUYesString (150)Product identifier of the supplier that provided this source of supply [was String(40) before 18/10/2021]
priceBillingPeriodIntegerLength of the price billing period
priceBillingPeriodUnitString (40)Unit of the price billing period (e.g. “Years”, “Month”)
priceSubscriptionPeriodIntegerLength of the price subscription period
priceSubscriptionPeriodUnitString (40)Unit of the price subscription period (e.g. “Years”, “Month”)


Availability information for the source of supply selected in productPriceInfo.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
stockSupplierText String (40)Textual stock information from the supplier, this is directly taken over without interpretation
stockStatusYesIntegerNumeric key of the delivery status of the stock information
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png stockStatusTextYesString (255)Delivery status for this stock information, such as ‘in stock’ or ‘in field warehouse’
stockYesIntegerQuantity available for the delivery status indicated in this structure
externalStock IntegerExternal stock (additional information provided by some suppliers in structures with ‘in stock’ delivery status)
incomingStock IntegerStock quantity that will be replenished (additional information provided by some suppliers in structures with ‘in stock’ delivery status)
stockAvailabilityDate DateDelivery date for products that are not in stock
stockLastUpdateYesDateTime of last update of stock information
stockSourceIdYesIntegerNumeric key for the source of stock information
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png stockSourceNameYesString (255)Source of stock information, e.g. ‘Individual price list’
stockUnlimitedYesBooleanIndicates whether the items of this stock information are available in an unlimited quantity


Source of supply of an ITscope product. A specific product offering from a distributor listed on ITscope.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
idYeslongUnique key
supplierSKU String (150)Product number of the supplier [was String(40) before 18/10/2021]
supplierYessupplierRefers 1:1 to
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png supplierPriceInfo List <supplierPriceInfo>Price data for a source of supply. For each configured price source, a PriceInfo is stored, e.g. Realtime, individual price list or generally available price list. For some vendors, no generally available prices are listed. In this case, the supplierPriceInfo is empty (if no own price list has been configured)
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png supplierStockInfo List <supplierStockInfo>Availability information for the source of supply
projectsList<project>Projects for the source of supply
supplierPackagingInfosupplierPackagingInfoInformation on the packaging units of a source of supply
scaledPriceInfoList<scaledPriceInfo>Information on scaled prices of a source of supply


Information on packaging units of a source of supply. The unit codes for packaging units are in UN/ECE Recommendation No.21. This standard is recommended by UN/CEFACT. Details see UNECE.

NameMandatoryData typedescription
contentUnit String (50)Unit code of the contents of a package
intervalQuantityIntegerNumber indicating in which graduation the item can be ordered (in order units).
minQuantity IntegerMinimum number of packaging units to trigger an order
numberContentUnitPerOrderUnit IntegerNumber of contents of a packaging unit
orderUnitString (50)Packaging unit code
priceQuantity IntegerNumber of packaging units for a given price
supplierPackingQuantity IntegerNumber of packaging units a supplier provides in a purchase order
totalPriceQuantityIntegerTotal number of units (packaging units * contents) for a given price


Information on scaled prices of a source of supply

NameMandatoryData typeDESCRIPTION
scaleYesIntegerIndicates the scale from which the price applies
priceYesBigDecimalThe price for the scale


Supplier of a source of supply.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
idYeslongUnique key
nameYesString (255)Identifier of the supplier
deeplinkYesString (2048)URL, link to the supplier page on the ITscope platform
customerAccountNumber String (255)Customer number in case of partnership. Can be used as a filter to determine if there is a partnership with this supplier
weeeRegNoString (12)WEEE number, is considered as proof of the registration of the manufacturer, the brand and the type of electrical or electronic equipment carried out in the country of manufacture.


Price data for a source of supply. For each configured price source, a PriceInfo is stored, e.g. real-time, individual price list or generally available price list. For some suppliers, no generally available prices are listed. In this case, the supplierPriceInfo is empty (if no individual price list has been configured).

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
priceYesBigDecimalPrice basis for the calculated price
priceCalcYesBigDecimalCalculated price, based on the individual price calculation
currencyCodeYesString (3)Currency unit that applies to this price information
priceCalcVatYesBigDecimalSales tax rate that was used to determine the calculated price
priceLastUpdateYesDateTime of last update of price information
minScaleYesIntegerScaled price
priceSourceIdYesIntegerIdentifier for the source of the price information
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png priceSourceName String (255)Readable text on the origin of the price information, e.g. ‘Individual price list’
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png priceStatusYesString (255)Textual information on price retrieval, e.g. ‘The retrieval of the data was successful’
priceBillingPeriodIntegerLength of the price billing period
priceBillingPeriodUnitString (40)Unit of the price billing period (e.g. “Years”, “Month”)
priceSubscriptionPeriodIntegerLength of the price subscription period
priceSubscriptionPeriodUnitString (40)Unit of the price subscription period (e.g. “Years”, “Month”)


Availability information for the source of supply.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
stockSupplierText String (40)Textual stock information from the supplier, this is directly taken over without interpretation
stockStatusYesIntegerNumeric key of the delivery status of the stock information
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png stockStatusTextYesString (255)Delivery status for this stock information, such as ‘in stock’ or ‘in field warehouse’
stockYesIntegerQuantity available for the delivery status indicated in this structure
externalStock IntegerExternal stock (additional information provided by some suppliers in structures with ‘in stock’ delivery status)
incomingStock IntegerStock quantity that will be replenished (additional information provided by some suppliers in structures with ‘in stock’ delivery status)
stockAvailabilityDate DateDelivery date for products that are not in stock
stockLastUpdateYesDateTime of last update of inventory information
stockSourceIdYesIntegerNumeric key of the source of stock information
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist globus-1.png stockSourceNameYesString (255)Source of stock information, e.g. ‘Individual price list’
stockUnlimitedYesBooleanIndicates whether the items of this stock information are available in an unlimited quantity


Price, availability and further information on a project agreement.

NameCompulsory fieldData typeDescription
supplierProjectId String (40)Project number of the supplier
manufacturerProjectIdYesString (40)Project number of the manufacturer (unique key)
priceYesBigDecimalProject price
remainingQuantityYesIntegerRemaining quota that can be ordered
projectLastUpdate DateTime of last update of project information
projectBundleIdString (50)Unique key of the project bundle
projectPositionIntegerProject line item number

Database scripts for CSV

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