WEEE-registration number on ITscope

Last modified: 14. September 2023

Since July 2023, a new part of the ElektroG law has come into force. Since then, marketplaces in Europe have to ensure that all products sold have been registered by the manufacturer. ITscope therefore checks that the products in question have been properly registered with the EAR foundation.

WEEE and ElektroG – what is it anyway?

The Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) implements the European WEEE Directive and regulates how electrical equipment should be placed on the market, taken back and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. The law is intended to reduce electrical waste and thus conserve resources and reduce the burden of pollutants on the environment. According to the ElektroG, companies are only allowed to sell electronics if they are registered with the Foundation for Waste Electrical Equipment Register (EAR) and thus have a WEEE number.

Who needs a WEEE number?

The obligation to register and WEEE number mainly concerns manufacturers and importers of electrical and electronic equipment who place these products on the market in Germany under their name or brand. However, if dealers and distributors are classified as manufacturers because they offer or assemble equipment under their own name, they must also register.

Further information on manufacturer registration is available from the EAR Foundation.

Our FAQ will enlighten you about the most frequently asked questions:

All answers are based on the information provided by the EAR Foundation, which you can also read in this PDF. Our tip: Watch the Foundation’s video directly: “I want to sell electrical products in Germany. What do I have to watch out for?”


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FAQ for suppliers

Who needs a WEEE number?

WEEE No. need companies that are manufacturers according to ElektroG:

  • the producer, i.e. the person who manufactures, designs or has manufactured electrical and electronic equipment (electrical equipment) himself under his name or trademark and offers it under his name or trademark in Germany (section 3 number 9 a, aa and bb ElektroG). Anyone who offers electrical appliances of other manufacturers under his own name or trademark in Germany or resells them commercially.
    The supplier or reseller is not to be regarded as the manufacturer if the name or trademark of the manufacturer appears on the electrical appliance in accordance with § 3 number 9 a ElektroG (cf. § 3 number 9 b ElektroG).
  • anyone who, in the course of a commercial activity, offers electrical equipment on the German market for the first time that does not originate in Germany but in a third country or another EU Member State (Section 3 number 9 c ElektroG). This means that an importer can also be a manufacturer within the meaning of the ElektroG.
  • anyone who offers electrical equipment directly to end-users using means of distance communication and who is not established in Germany (section 3 number 9 d ElektroG).

How do I get a WEEE number?

By registering with the Waste Electrical Equipment Register Foundation (EAR) or appointing an authorised representative.

Why does ITscope need my WEEE number?

As an electronic marketplace, we are obliged to check whether all suppliers of electrical goods are registered with the EAR Foundation or can name an upstream supplier with such registration for these goods.

Suppliers who do not deposit a WEEE No. must expect that their offers will be deactivated.

How can I set up my WEEE number in ITscope?

Following 2 steps are required:

  1. You enter your WEEE No. in your company profile.
  2. You enter a valid WEEE No. for each product in your price list (in an additional column).

I think I am not a manufacturer according to ElektroG: What do I have to do?

You must provide the WEEE numbers of your suppliers.


If you are not a manufacturer or first distributor, you are still obliged to provide a WEEE number. In this case, you send us the WEEE number of your upstream supplier.

Every product that has to be registered according to ElektroG and is imported into ITscope requires a WEEE number.

I have a foreign WEEE number. Is this also valid in Germany?

No. You need a German WEEE number.

For both German and foreign suppliers/vendors there are various service providers who can take over the registration process with the EAR Foundation for you.

I am a foreign distributor, we do not have this. Do I still have to provide a WEEE No.?

Yes, the legislation applies to all manufacturers. Anyone who offers products in Germany and does not have a registered office in Germany must have a WEEE number or provide that of an authorised representative. This regulation applies to all foreign distributors listed on ITscope.

What number do I give for products that do not need a WEEE number?

You fill in the WEEE column with the value: 00000000.

Attention: Should a check reveal that electrical items are incorrectly labelled in this way, we reserve the right to block your offers.

I do not want to disclose the WEEE number of my suppliers as this will expose my upstream suppliers. What can I do?

They can include these in their price list. We will only use this for audit purposes and will not share it.

Should you wish to make this information public on ITscope, please contact us.


  1. Your WEEE number must be stored in your company profile as well as in your price list on product level.
  2. If you have added the column with the WEEE number to your price list, please inform us at support@itscope.com.
  3. If you are not a manufacturer or first distributor, you are still obliged to provide a WEEE number. In this case, please send us the WEEE number of your supplier.


ITscope does not issue WEEE numbers, ITscope only verifies them. This also means ITscope does not transmit WEEE numbers for purchases and sales on the ITscope platform or from one of your B2B shops.

If you purchase products from different suppliers that have different WEEE numbers, please submit one WEEE number.

In summary, anyone selling products covered by the ElektroG must be able to hold a WEEE number for them.

Please inform yourself independently and in detail about this topic on the website of the EAR Foundation or ask service providers or your legal department for advice. As ITscope, we cannot provide legally valid advice on this topic. We merely implement the legal requirements of the EAR Foundation.

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