Technical properties in HTML format (htmlSpecs)

Last modified: 6. July 2022

The htmlSpecs field in exports or API retrievals includes the technical specifications for a product. These can come from different content providers depending on the contract, e.g. 1WorldSync, Icecat, manufacturer or ITscope. Depending on the content provider, content may also be available in different languages

Format of the field htmlSpecs

The format of the htmlSpecs is available in this form for all content providers.

<Div id = "HTML_SPEC" class = "ITSs">
<Div class = "ITSg"> General </ div>
<Div class = "ITSr0">
<Div class = "ITSn"> Printer Type </ div>
<Div class = "ITSv"> Workgroup Printer - LED Color </ div>
</ Div>
<Div class = "ITSg"> Printer </ div>
<Div class = "ITSr0">
<Div class = "ITSn"> Print Speed ​​</ div>
<Div class = "ITSv"> Up to 24 ppm. - b / w - Up to 22 ppm. - color </ div>
</ Div>
<Div class = "ITSr1">
<Div class = "ITSn"> Connection technology </ div>
<Div class = "ITSv"> Wired </ div>
</ Div>
<Div class = "ITSr0">
<Div class = "ITSn"> Interface </ div>
<Div class = "ITSv"> USB, LAN </ div>
</ Div>
</ Div>
</ Div>

By using css-styles, the respective CSS classes can be adapted depending on your own requirements.

Here is an overview of the IDs and their meaning:

CSS classesDescription
ITSsSection/segment of the technical features, e.g. main features, full description
ITSgGroup of technical characteristics
ITSr0Even row for a technical feature
ITSr1Odd row for a technical feature
ITSnName of a technical feature
ITSvValue of a technical feature

Sample CSS definition: 

.ITSs {
display: table;
border: 0px solid #000;
width: 100%;

.ITSr1 {
display: table-row;
padding: 4px 20px;

.ITSr0 {
display: table-row;
padding: 4px 20px;

.ITSg {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: small;
padding: 10px 20px;
display: block;

.ITSn {
display: table-cell;
color: #555;
vertical-align: top;
border-top: 1px solid #eee;
padding: 4px 20px;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
width: 50%;

.ITSv {
display: table-cell;
color: #555;
vertical-align: top;
border-top: 1px solid #eee;
padding: 4px 20px;


These two downloads contain a demo datasheet which uses CSS styles from above.

The other file is a sample for different text categories (know as structured feature texts contentCategoryRefId=3) in the textContent file from the Developer Format for the Provider IceCat (contentProviderRefId=2) and 1WorldSync (contentProviderRefId=3), in different languages.

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