Siewert & Kau GmbH

Last modified: 6. March 2023

Individual price list

For the supplier the following two price display options are available:

  1. Display standard prices
  2. Price list import

Standard prices are always displayed by default.

Information required to configure the Siewert & Kau price list in ITscope:

  • Price list link (full link to your price list in the distributor’s online shop – example:

The required access details (i.e. the price list link) can be obtained from the Siewert & Kau online shop including the description.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with your sales contact person. Make sure to take note of the tips regarding the customer number. The following structure should be noted: a customer number of 12345 will be turned into SKC-D012345.

Once you have received your access details, the following steps are needed:

  1. Add the supplier to your network
  2. In the ‘My account‘ –> ‘Price list‘ tab, enter your supplier price list access details (price list link), in order to be able to see your individual prices in ITscope
  3. After activating these settings, your individual price list will automatically be retrieved. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the status of the retrieval.


The following steps are necessary to configure Siewert & Kau realtime prices:

  1. Enter your customer number
    (your customer number with the distributor – already entered)
  2. Enter your token/password
    (your online price check token)
  3. Activate settings
    (this results in your individual realtime prices being retrieved automatically. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the current retrieval status).

Your customer number as well as the token can be obtained via the Siewert & Kau online shop. For more details on this, please get in touch with your sales contact person.

Any questions on this process can be addressed to your Siewert & Kau contact person. As a new customer, you can register here:

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