Product qualification levels

Last modified: 7. July 2022


The qualification levels describe the quality of the data available for a product.


The aim is to combine the complete IT/ICT product range of the listed distributors into a database that can be used for various purposes (purchasing, sales, merchandise management processes, online shops).

Since the quality of the product data depends on which and how many content sources are available (e.g. Icecat, 1WorldSync, or the suppliers themselves), it is necessary to provide quality grading for the products present in the database.


3manually qualifiedIcecat or 1WorldSync qualified
2automatically qualifiedITscope qualified
1unqualifiedITscope unqualified
0distributor qualifiedprice list row

3: Icecat or 1WorldSync qualified

These products are Icecat or 1WorldSync  qualified and/or created based on Icecat or 1WorldSync channel data. This means that the product identifiers are uniformly assigned and the allocation of the sources of supply (supplier item numbers) is checked by Icecat or 1WorldSync & ITscope. Almost all products have an informative datasheet with a variety of detailed technical information, as well as high-quality product images. This is currently the highest qualification level and can, for example, be used for online shops with particularly good product information.

Please note that the product identifier may differ from the Icecat or 1WorldSync product identifier.

2: ITscope qualified

These products are automatically qualified by the ITscope database engine. This means that suppliers’ specifications are brought to a uniform standard so that datasheets with the same design as level three Icecat or 1WorldSync products can also be generated for this stage.

A product can automatically be assigned to ITscope qualified (level two), if more than four sources of supply are available and the supplier offers the product in a category that is considered trustworthy by ITscope. Although the automatic processing does not completely exclude errors, level two product data is generally good quality and can be used for online shops.

1: ITscope unqualified

These products, some of which are only available from a single supplier or cannot be assigned due to incomplete data, also have a generated datasheet, but the information contained is far less detailed.

0: price list row

Some of these products are duplicates of ITscope unqualified or ITscope qualified level products, while others cannot be identified with a distinct product type (‘not categorised’ or ‘various accessories’). It is therefore not recommended to export these to online stores. For this qualification level, no assignment takes place and the products remain as price list rows. As soon as the underlying supplier no longer offers this product, the respective price list lines are immediately removed from the database; these products have an ITscope PUID ending in ‘999‘.

Price list lines can be excluded from exports by activating the setting ‘Only products with ITscope catalogue ID, not ending in -999’.

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