Infinigate Deutschland GmbH

Last modified: 20. July 2023

Individual price list

For the supplier Infinigate Deutschland GmbH, the following three price display options are available:

  1. Display standard prices
  2. Price list import
  3. Price book at the Infinigate Partner World

  1. Standard prices in ITscope (always active by default)
  2. Display of individual customer prices (price list import) in ITscope

You can retrieve either the standard prices OR your individual customer prices in ITscope.
If you want to retrieve standard prices, nothing else is necessary.
However, if you want to view your individual prices and therefore add Infinigate Deutschland GmbH as a supplier to your network in ITscope, it is necessary to request personal access data for this purpose.

These are requested in writing via the e-mail address, stating your Infinigate customer number.

You will then receive an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) agreement and a sample file with fields that are usually transferred to ITscope.

If you have other requirements, these can be adapted if possible.

As soon as the agreement has been signed and returned by you, you will receive access data for the configuration to collect your personal PriceFeed.

A prerequisite for this is that you have already been registered as a partner with Infinigate Deutschland GmbH.

The access data consists of:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Price list file name (example: filename.txt)

Once you have received your access details, the following steps are needed:

  1. Add the supplier to your network
  2. In the ‘My account‘ –> ‘Price list‘ tab, enter your supplier price list access data (username, password, price list file name), in order to be able to see your individual prices in ITscope
  3. After activating these settings, your individual price list will automatically be retrieved. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the status of the retrieval.

If you need assistance with this, please feel free to send an email to or contact ITscope support directly.

In addition, as a partner you can access the price book in the Infinigate Partner World via the Infinigate Deutschland GmbH homepage

There you will find all daily updated products and prices with your individual conditions and the possibilities to

  • Generate price lists for individual manufacturers
  • check stock levels
  • Set up subscriptions
  • Create projects
  • place orders
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