Format description for product data format BMEcat 1.2 for Newtron

Last modified: 27. June 2022

Overview of data formats

Here you will find an overview of available data formats and their corresponding contents:

SUPPLIER_AIDSupplier article number (SKU)Your order number for the item must be entered here. This information is mandatory and must be unique. The length should be a maximum of 18 characters to ensure compatibility with SAP. Special characters such as spaces or commas should not be used
DESCRIPTION_SHORTShort item descriptionShort description or name of the item, with a maximum of 80 characters (according to BMEcat). Keywords for the search can also be specified via the format “KEYWORD” if they do not fit into the short description
KEYWORDKeywords, synonyms, search termsFor better identification of the article. Maximum 10 keywords per article. Repetitions from the short text should be avoided
MANUFACTURER_NAMEManufacturerName of the article producer, abbreviated form without legal form (e.g. ‘HP’)
MANUFACTURER_AIDManufacturer article number (SKU)Unique article number from the manufacturer
ARTICLE_FEATURESFeaturesThe features of an item can be defined via this segment. The definition is made via the elements ‘REFERENCE_FEATURE_SYSTEM_NAME’, ‘REFERENCE_FEATURE_GROUP_ID’, ‘FNAME’ and ‘FVALUE’ (see below)

Classification system

Item ID
Name of the classification system (e.g. ‘ECLASS-7.1’) and the ID assigned to the item within this classification system

Feature name

Feature value
Features of an item can be defined via feature name and feature value. Article features must be defined in pairs (name and value)
EANEAN/GTINEuropean article number, must be compliant with GTIN-13 or GTIN-14
DESCRIPTION_LONGLong item descriptionDetailed item description, maximum 2,000 characters (including spaces). This text can also be formatted (bold, italic, list, line break and paragraph)
BUYER_AIDBuyer article IDArticle number of the buyer company
DELIVERY_TIMEDelivery timeSpecification in working days, no decimal places allowed

Order detailsThis segment is used to specify information about the packaging of the item and the order conditions. The definition is made via the elements ‘ORDER_UNIT’, ‘CONTENT_UNIT’, ‘NO_CU_PER_OU’, ‘PRICE_QUANTITY’, ‘QUANTITY_MIN’ and ‘QUANTITY_INTERVAL’ (see below)
ORDER_UNITOrder unitUnit of measurement for the order quantity. Designates the unit of measurement or the container unit in which the item is delivered. The price refers to one order unit. Only predefined ISO codes are permitted
CONTENT_UNITContent unitUnit of measurement for the content summary. Indicates the unit of measurement or container designation of the contents, i.e. the actual item. This field has an informative character and is not related to the price. Only predefined ISO codes are permitted
NO_CU_PER_OUContent summaryNumber of content units per order unit
PRICE_QUANTITYPrice quantityInteger! Number of the basic order unit. The default value is assumed to be ‘1’, unless a different price quantity is specified
QUANTITY_MINMinimum order quantityMinimum order quantity related to the order unit, only integer values starting from 1 are allowed. The default value is assumed to be ‘1’, unless specified otherwise
QUANTITY_INTERVALInterval quantityInterval quantity (or quantity scale) in which the product can be ordered, starting from the minimum order quantity. The default value is assumed to be ‘1’, unless specified otherwise
ARTICLE_PRICE_DETAILSPrice detailsIn this segment, the price data of an item can be defined. The definition is made via the elements ‘ARTICLE_PRICE price_type=”x”‘, ‘PRICE_AMOUNT’, ‘PRICE_CURRENCY’, ‘TAX’ and ‘LOWER BOUND’
ARTICLE_PRICE price_type=”x”Price typeThe following price types can be used for the price definition: list price (x = net_list), customer price (x = net_customer) or price on request (x = on_request)
PRICE_AMOUNTStandard pricePrice based on the price quantity (see above). The currency is indicated via the data format ‘CURRENCY’! Decimal places are indicated in BMEcat with a point (e.g. ‘2.30’)
PRICE_CURRENCYCurrencyCurrency abbreviations, special characters (such as € or $) are not permitted. Different currencies within a catalogue should be avoided
TAXValue added taxPermitted format: 0.XX
LOWER_BOUNDSmallest scale quantityMinimum purchase quantity for scaled prices. No decimal places allowed
MIME_INFOReferences to additional documentsThis element can be used to specify additional documents for an item. In general, JPEG, GIF, PNG and PDF files as well as URL links are permitted. Detailed information and examples of this element can be found in the Newtron documentation
ARTICLE_REFERENCEReferences to articlesThis element can be used to refer from one item to other items, for example, to a spare part or successor model
Overview table of data format BMEcat1.2 for Newtron

Depending on the customer, other special requirements may apply. These requirements, as well as further documentation, can be obtained from Newtron on request.

Detailed information on BMEcat version 1.2 can be found in the following document:

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