eParts France S.A.S

Last modified: 15. December 2020

Individual price list

For the supplier eParts France, the following two price display options are available:

  1. Display standard prices
  2. Price list import

Standard prices are always displayed by default.

As soon as you have added the supplier to your network, it is necessary to specify the price display option you want to use (either standard prices or price list import).

Information required to configure the eParts France price list in ITscope:

  • FTP username
  • FTP password

The required FTP access details must be requested in writing from the distributor.

To do this, please send an email to your eParts France sales team contact person. 

Once you have received your FTP access details, the following steps are needed:

  1. Add the supplier to your network
  2. In the ‘My account‘ –> ‘Price list‘ tab, enter your supplier price list access data (FTP username, FTP password), in order to be able to see your individual prices in ITscope
  3. After activating these settings, your individual price list will automatically be retrieved. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the status of the retrieval.

    The following screenshot shows the supplier account configuration section for eParts France on ITscope:
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